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Interview with "Dein SPIEGEL" (German news magazine for children)

(c) EU

Two children reporters from the German children's magazine "Dein SPIEGEL" interviewed President Barroso during his recent visit to Hamburg. They asked the President about Europe, the Commission, his working habits and what it means to have one of the most important jobs in Europe.

The President explained to the children that without the European Union it would be much more difficult to travel, study or work abroad and that thanks to European integration people do not need to be afraid of wars in Europe any more. The Commission's role, he said, was as a kind of referee that kicks off the match and ensures that all players stick to the rules. President Barroso also explained his daily work and talked about his political contacts in Europe and abroad.

He finally confirmed that he will support Portugal during the European Football championships. After the interview he played table football with the two children reporters, which was a nice experience for everyone involved.

Read the interview (in German) (Source: Dein SPIEGEL) pdf - 2 MB [2 MB] Deutsch (de)

Read more about the Hamburg visit