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State of the Union Address 2011

(c) EU

Make your voice heard. Submit your question until 5 October.

Citizens can directly address the President as part of YouTube's World View series with world leaders. Everybody can submit questions in their own language and vote on the questions until 5 October. On 6 October at 10 a.m. CET, President Barroso will answer the top questions in a live interview, which will be broadcast on, Europe by Satellite and Euronews TV

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‘This is a financial, economic and social crisis. I believe we can say that the sovereign debt crisis today is, above all, a crisis of political confidence,’ said President Barroso in his annual State of the Union Address 2011 titled "European Renewal". President Barroso stressed that there are solutions to the crisis, which he later also presented. He outlined that "today, the Commission adopted a proposal for the Financial Transaction Tax," and added that the banking sector should also make a contribution to society. President Barroso concluded: ‘The reality today is that intergovernmental cooperation is not enough to get Europe out of this crisis, nor to provide a future for Europe.’

State of the Union Address 2011 website