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Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020


Reforming the budget, changing Europe

At the European Parliament’s plenary sitting, President Barroso evoked the main lines of the Commission’s proposal for the 2014-2020 multiannual financial framework. Calling it "At once ambitious and innovative, responsible and rigorous”, the President stressed its pan-European nature and its promise for the future. A tax on financial transactions is being proposed in order to increase the EU’s own resources, for a budget to be placed at the service of growth and employment and with high added value.

All across Europe, families are prioritising where to spend their money. Some luxuries are being cut, as people invest in what really matters for the future. The European Union is doing exactly the same. The Commission’s budget proposal invests today in growth for tomorrow. Taxpayers will get more for the same amount of money they spend. It will make it a truly European budget. A budget for integration.

Boosting growth across the European Union

A large part of the budget will be aimed at getting people into work and the economy growing. A new Connecting Europe Facility will finance the missing links in energy, transport and information technology. There will be significant new money for education and vocational training, and for research and innovation to create the jobs and ideas of tomorrow. And money for less developed regions will go to jobs and growth, which will also benefit the whole of Europe.

Making Europe safer

Many of today’s challenges ignore national borders. And it is much cheaper for Europe to respond with a co-ordinated policy rather than 27 separate ones. Safe and healthy food will be at the heart of the changes to Europe’s agriculture funding. 30% of direct payments to farmers will depend on farmers making the sector environmentally friendly. A euro will protect the environment, boost energy-efficiency and the fight against climate change, strengthen cohesion and promote social targets at the same time. It can have a major leverage effect in many areas. The new budget will also strengthen the management of Europe’s external borders and put fresh money into tackling serious crime, terrorism and cybercrime.

Making Europe count in the world

The advance of technology is making the world a smaller place. Shifting alliances and emerging new powers mean that Europe must do more to make its voice count. The money invested in defending Europe’s interests will be increased. Recent events in the Southern Mediterranean have once again shown the impact on Europe of dramatic events in its neighbourhood. Incentives will be provided for those countries that deliver political and economic reforms that strengthen democracy in the region. Europe, which provides over half of development assistance worldwide, is determined to deliver on its commitment of spending 0.7% of GNI by 2015. The new budget maintains that pledge.

Getting a fairer and more transparent budget

Taxpayers need to be able to see how their money is being spent. The new budget should be simpler, more transparent and fairer. We propose that changes are made to the way the budget is financed, with new revenue streams being created to partially replace contributions based on the gross national income of each Member State. We believe that this will give families and governments a better deal.

Video message from President Barroso - Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020

Press release "Investing today for growth tomorrow"

Remarks by President Barroso on the Commission's proposals for the 2014-2020 Multi-Annual Financial Framework

A Budget for Europe 2020 pdf - 222 KB [222 KB]

A Budget for Europe 2020 - Part II: Policy fiches pdf - 538 KB [538 KB]

Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF): Questions and answers

"Money where it matters – how the EU budget delivers value to you"

Myths about the EU budget and the Multiannual Financial Framework

The Multiannual Financial Framework website

Powerpoint presentation of the MFF

Article by President Barroso in the Sunday Times, 3 July 2011 pdf - 41 KB [41 KB]

Débat sur le Cadre financier pluriannuel 2014-2020 Parlement européen - Session Plénière Strasbourg, le 5 juillet 2011