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Women's Charter: Barroso's commitment to gender equality

Pregnant women with toddler on her arm in front of a laptop computer © EU

Ahead of International Women's Day, president Barroso alongside VP Viviane Reding presented today the Women's Charter aiming at building a gender perspective into all policies for the next five years. The Charter follows the announcement made by president Barroso in the European Parliament to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action and "represents the commitment of the Commission to making gender equality a reality in the EU." Also inside the Commission, "equal opportunities have been high on my agenda," stated Barroso. The current Commission includes 9 women out of 27 members of the College. At the level of services, he added, "we have managed to increased the share of women over time to 53% of all Commission staff."

Read the speech

Read the Commission’s declaration “A Women’s Charter” pdf - 21 KB [21 KB] Deutsch (de) français (fr)

Read the press release