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    "European strategies for health and safety at work: the role of social partners", ETUI conference, Brussels Übersetzung für diesen Link wählen 


    Health and safety are crucial for workers and employers, given the impact for health and well–being and consequently for company competiveness. The social partners are taking up the challenge. Many European social-dialogue committees are working to improve occupational health and safety in their own sectors.

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    "Strengthening the social dimension of Economic and Monetary Union", Conference of German Länder EU Affairs Ministers on Social Europe, Brussels Übersetzung für diesen Link wählen 


    The current crisis is undermining social cohesion in many Member States, but it is also calling the European social model into question. (...) It is no coincidence that the Member States performing best in terms of financial sustainability, economic growth and employment all have strong, institutionalised forms of social dialogue.

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    "Public employment services role in implementing the Youth Guarantee", Youth Guarantee Seminar, Berlin Übersetzung für diesen Link wählen 


    The public employment services are key actors in the implementation of the the Youth Guarantee. The Council Recommendation states that the starting point for the Youth Guarantee is when a young person registers with an employment service. And it says that the Member States should set a starting point within the same four-month time-frame for young people not in employment, education or training and who are not registered with an employment service.

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    "Nothing to fear but fear itself: from depression to recovery in the 1930s and in today’s European Union", Public evening debate on "80 years of the New Deal", Brussels Übersetzung für diesen Link wählen 


    FDR’s New Deal remains one of the best available examples and sources of inspiration we have for a progressive crisis response. It would be good to act on some of the lessons sooner rather than later. We have nothing to fear but fear itself.

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    "Tackling early school leaving", European Parliament Conference, Brussels Übersetzung für diesen Link wählen 


    26% of the migrant population in Europe are early school leavers. Early school leaving also has a strong gender dimension. And too few children with a working class background are able to pass secondary school exams. Let me put it bluntly, the danger we face is the following: every child that doesn't become a future taxpayer will potentially have to be supported by our welfare state. Beyond economic costs, there are social costs as well, for instance the impact on social cohesion or criminality

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    "Job creation needs a Grand Coalition", Conference on Filling the Gaps: e-Skills & Education for Digital Jobs, Brussels Übersetzung für diesen Link wählen 


    Unfortunately we now have over 26 million unemployed in the 27 member States. Yet despite restructuring and job cuts in the Information and Communication Technologies manufacturing industries in recent years, demand for personnel in software development, consulting and the ICT user industries has continued to grow. We have to work together to do all we can to meet this demand for the sake of getting more people into jobs and making Europe's ICT sector more competitive.

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    "Homelessness in the EU and the Social Investment Package", Irish Presidency Conference on Homelessness, Leuven Übersetzung für diesen Link wählen 


    Homelessness is probably the most severe form of poverty and social exclusion in our societies. It quickly reduces a person’s physical and mental health, it is a waste of productive potential and it imposes a high cost on our societies. Ever wider layers of the society are affected by this phenomenon, including young people, migrants, Roma people and families with children. We owe it to ourselves to act swiftly and decisively on this matter.

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