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    Employment and Social Developments: Annual Review highlights need to address risks of in-work poverty Choose translations of the previous link 


    A significant increase in poverty among the working age population is one of the most tangible social consequences of the economic crisis. A gradual reduction of unemployment levels may not be enough to reverse this situation if wage polarisation continues, notably due to a rise in part-time work.

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    Commission proposes to improve EURES job search network Choose translations of the previous link 


    The pan-European job search network EURES would be strengthened to provide more job offers, increase the likelihood of job matches and help employers, notably small and medium businesses, to fill job vacancies faster and better, under a proposal presented by the European Commission.

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    Homelessness – Statement by Commissioner László Andor Choose translations of the previous link 


    Homelessness represents one of the worst forms of social exclusion and has devastating consequences for people who suffer from it and for the society as a whole. It is by no means a crime or a lifestyle choice. In the last years, homelessness has risen almost everywhere in Europe, reaching unprecedented levels and affecting many people in society including youngsters, migrants and families with children.

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    Commission publishes guide on application of ‘Habitual Residence Test’ for social security Choose translations of the previous link 


    A practical guide on the 'Habitual Residence Test' to help Member States apply EU rules on the coordination of social security for EU citizens that have moved to another Member State has been published by the European Commission.

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    Statement by Commissioner Andor: End of restrictions on free movement of workers from Bulgaria and Romania Choose translations of the previous link 


    Today marks the lifting of the last restrictions on the free movement of workers from Bulgaria and Romania. From today, Bulgarian and Romanian citizens are able to fully exercise their right to work in all EU countries without a work permit, a right they have already been exercising in the 20 countries that were not applying transitional measures.

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