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Youth employment: Commission proposes package of measures


Measures to help Member States tackle unacceptable levels of youth unemployment and social exclusion by giving young people offers of jobs, education and training have been proposed by the European Commission.

"High youth unemployment has dramatic consequences for our economies, our societies and above all for young people.This is why we have to invest in Europe's young people now" said European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion László Andor. "This Package would help Member Statesto ensure young people's successful transition into work. The costs of not doing so would be catastrophic”.

As requested by the European Council and European Parliament, the Commission's Youth Employment Package includes a proposed Recommendation to Member States on introducing the Youth Guarantee to ensure that all young people up to age 25 receive a quality offer of a job, continued education, an apprenticeship or a traineeship within four months of leaving formal education or becoming unemployed.

The proposed recommendation urges Member States to establish strong partnerships with stakeholders, ensure early intervention by employment services and other partners supporting young people, take supportive measures to enable labour integration, make full use of the European Social Fund and other structural funds to that end, assess and continuously improve the Youth Guarantee schemes and implement the schemes rapidly.

The Commission will support Member States through EU funding, by promoting exchanges of good practice, monitoring implementation of Youth Guarantees in the European Semester Choose translations of the previous link  exercise and awareness-raising.

To facilitate school-to-work-transitions, the Package also launches a consultation of European social partners on a Quality Framework for Traineeships so as to enable young people to acquire high-quality work experience under safe conditions.

Furthermore, it announces a European Alliance for Apprenticeships to improve the quality and supply of apprenticeships available by spreading successful apprenticeship schemes across the Member States and outlines ways to reduce obstacles to mobility for young people.

All documents are available on the Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion website   .

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