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    Nog een lange weg te gaan voor een geslaagde Roma-insluiting Choose translations of the previous link 


    De inspanningen van Gent om samen te werken met Bulgaarse steden en om de sociale economie te bevorderen is een goed voorbeeld van geslaagde sociale innovatie, zegt Europees Commissaris voor Werkgelegenheid, Sociale Zaken en Insluiting Laszlo Andor. (Article on

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    Eurozone growth cannot leave weak countries behind Choose translations of the previous link 


    Published in the Irish Examiner on 3 September 2014.

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    Basic European Unemployment Insurance - The Best Way Forward in Strengthening the EMU's Resilience and Europe's Recovery Choose translations of the previous link 


    While individual stimulus by countries with high debt-to-GDP ratios may run the risk of triggering further financial crises, solidification of the monetary union through the creation of a common fiscal capacity would reduce uncertainty about individual countries' solvency both in the short and in the longer term. In addition, a basic European unemployment insurance scheme would strengthen the EMU institutionally, politically and in terms of social cohesion. (Intereconomics, Volume 49, July/August 2014, Number 4)

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    Job-Krise: EU-Kommissar will europäische Arbeitslosenversicherung Choose translations of the previous link 


    Europa streitet über den neuen Kommissionschef - doch welche Inhalte soll er voranbringen? Sozialkommissar László Andor fordert im Interview, die Kosten der Arbeitslosigkeit unter den Staaten der Euro-Zone aufzuteilen. (Interview with Spiegel Online)

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    Embed social innovation in policy-making to deliver on Europe 2020 Choose translations of the previous link 


    A stronger EU architecture can only be created through more solidarity and innovation, and more efficient social investment. Published on Euractiv on 20 May 2014.

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    Az első tíz év Choose translations of the previous link 


    Published in the Hungarian newspaper 'Népszabadság' on 29 April.

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    Еврокомисар Андор: Да се обвиняват мигрантите за трудностите по време на криза не е отговорно Choose translations of the previous link 


    Еврокомисарят по труда и социалната политика Ласло Андор пред за безотговорното говорене за българските и румънските имигранти и за предложението за общоевропейска минимална заплата., 21 януари 2014

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    Can we move beyond the Maastricht orthodoxy? Choose translations of the previous link 


    To recover from stagnation and regain citizens’ trust, Europe needs a genuine paradigm shift on the EMU.By László Andor. Published in VOX on 16 December 2013.

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