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Exploring the Diversity of NEETs

Exploring the Diversity of NEETs

Report on the diversity of young people not in education, employment, or training (NEET) by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofund). Detaile dinformation on the diversity of NEETs in the 28 Member States of the EU is available in the annex to the reportpdf.

Cover image

Evaluation of the EU Youth Strategy and the Council Recommendation on the mobility of young volunteers across the EUpdf(2.23 Mb)English (en)

Executive summarypdf(456 kB)Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr)

Annexespdf(3.16 Mb)English (en)

Quality assessmentpdf(122 kB)English (en)


EU Youth Report 2015pdf(4.67 Mb)English (en)

The report draws a full picture of the situation of young people in Europe and how policymakers have addressed it in the period 2013-2015.

EU Youth Report infographics

EU Youth Report infographicsEnglish (en)

Compare key statistics on the life of youth people across the EU with our EU Youth Report 2015 infographics.

EVS factsheet

European Voluntary Service 20 years factsheetpdf(591 kB)English (en)

Find out more about the European Voluntary Service with this new factsheet, made for the 20th anniversary of the EU programme for young people.

Cover thumbnail

Youth work and non-formal learning in Europe’s education landscape

This publication marks a quarter of a century of EU youth programme accompanied by EU youth policy. It brings thinking on the EU actions in favour of youth, with the aim of stimulating debate about what youth work and non-formal learning can contribute to European education. From diverse viewpoints, it reviews EU cooperation in the field, points to successes and sets out possible future scenarios, particularly in the context of the Erasmus+ programme (2014-2010).

Unleashing young people’s creativity and innovation - European good practice projects

Unleashing young people’s creativity and innovation - European good practice projectspdf(2.44 Mb)English (en)

This brochure contains inspiring initiatives, practices and tools, including the EU projects, that showcase how youth work and non-formal learning can enhance young people’s creativity and innovation, through their experimental nature, participatory approaches, and peer-learning, and how this can help them to find their place in the labour market - and in life.

Cover image

Expert group report: the contribution of youth work to address the challenges young people are facing, in particular the transition from education to employmentpdf(2.54 Mb)English (en)

Youth work develops the life management and social skills of young people which assists their transition to the labour market. This is one of 12 targeted messages in the reportt hat shows how youth work can address the challenges young people face, in particular when moving from education to the workplace.

See also the executive summarypdf(769 kB)Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr)

European Youth Week 2015 infographic

European Youth Week 2015 infographicpng(370 kB)

See the impact of European Youth Week 2015 around Europe

Erasmus+ - Quelles opportunités pour la jeunesse?

Erasmus+ - Quelles opportunités pour la jeunesse?pdfChoisir les traductions du lien précédent 

Des opportunités pour les jeunes, les animateurs de jeunes et les organisations de jeunesse.

Quelles opportunités pour la jeunesse? (ebook)

Quelles opportunités pour la jeunesse? (ebook)Choisir les traductions du lien précédent 

Des opportunités pour les jeunes, les animateurs de jeunes et les organisations de jeunesse.

Erasmus+ Jeunesse - Des opportunités pour les jeunes, les animateurs de jeunes et les organisations de jeunesse

Erasmus+ Jeunesse - Des opportunités pour les jeunes, les animateurs de jeunes et les organisations de jeunesse

Grâce au financement disponible pour les organisations et les groupes informels de jeunes, Erasmus+ aide à améliorer la qualité du travail des jeunes et offre d'intéressantes expériences d'apprentissage informel. Dans le cadre de ce programme, les jeunes peuvent participer à une activité de mobilité en Europe et au-delà.


Eurobarometer Survey on the European Youthpdf(1.49 Mb)English (en)

The data presented in this leaflet is extracted from the Flash Eurobarometer Survey n°408. Over 13.000 young people between 15 and 30 were interviewed in the 28 Member States of the European Union. This Eurobarometer Survey focuses on democratic participation, participation in activities of various organisations such as sports clubs, youth clubs, political organisation, etc.

Social inclusion of young people

Social inclusion of young people

This report discusses the first year of implementation of the Youth Guarantee and draws on case study findings showcasing successful initiatives aimed at preventing the social exclusion of young people in the EU.


Selected publications on the social and political integration of young peoplepdf

If you are looking for information on these topics, check out the Library’s reading suggestions in this list of selected publications.

3rd round High Level People to People Dialogue: European Union and China – Co-operation in the field of youth: Past experience and perspectives for the future

3rd round High Level People to People Dialogue: European Union and China – Co-operation in the field of youth: Past experience and perspectives for the futurepdf(370 kB)English (en)

Preliminary report

EU Youth Report 2015

EU Youth Report 2015Choisir les traductions du lien précédent 

The report draws a full picture of the situation of young people in Europe and how policymakers have addressed it in the period 2013-2015.


Their future is our future - Youth as actors of change

This publication gives an overview of the most relevant projects on youth and youth-related policies supported by the European Union‘s Research Framework Programmes.

Erasmus+ and Youth in action programmes - Focus on: Empowering young people to participate in society: European good practice projects

Erasmus+ and Youth in action programmes - Focus on: Empowering young people to participate in society: European good practice projectspdf(3.09 Mb)English (en)

Brochure of projects shortlisted for the European Youth Week 2015 Youth Awards.


Quality Youth Work - A common framework for the further development of youth workpdf(1.34 Mb)English (en)

Report from the Expert Group on Youth Work Quality Systems in the EU Member States

Youth in Action Programme in 2013

Youth in Action Programme in 2013pdf(256 kB)English (en)

General overview of the Programme. Facts, figures and overview in terms of Projects.


Erasmus+ - Inclusion and Diversity Strategy in the field of Youthpdf(604 kB)English (en)


Erasmus+ - International dimension of non-formal learning opportunities in the field of youthpdf(5.26 Mb)English (en)


Erasmus+ - Guide du programme de l'Union européenne pour l'éducation, la formation, la jeunesse et le sport : changer sa vie, ouvrir son esprit lien vers un site extérieur à la Commission

Si vous vous intéressez aux financements de l'UE en matière d'éducation, de formation, de jeunesse ou de sport, cette brochure vous concerne. Les pages qui suivent vous apporteront des informations essentielles sur les principales possibilités dans ces domaines.


Erasmus+ - European Voluntary Service 2014-2020pdf(582 kB)English (en)

Leaflet presenting the European Voluntary Service


Political Participation and EU Citizenship: Perceptions and Behaviours of Young Peoplepdf

This report examines recent Eurobarometer surveys in light of the changes in young people’s modes of participation and perceptions of citizenship. All the surveys analysed took place in 2012, at a time when the economic crisis had already hit European societies.


Working with young people: the value of youth work in the European Union

This study highlights the diversity of youth work practice, the variety of actors involved, the observable trends in the sector, features of successful youth work and the range of outcomes associated with that success. Furthermore, it presents a comparative overview of the frameworks which support youth work at the national level across the EU.

See also the case studies and the national reportspdfChoisir les traductions du lien précédent .


Developing the creative and innovative potential of young people through non-formal learning in ways that are relevant to employabilitypdf(777 kB)English (en)

The main message of this report is about the need to improve and widen the recognition of non-formal learning, and not just in relation to employability. A better equipped workforce is required; one that can interact effectively with young people, especially those who are disadvantaged and lack access to the jobs market.


Flash Eurobarometer on European youth participation in democratic life pdf(4.02 Mb)English (en)

The primary objective of the Eurobarometer survey conducted in April 2013 amongst 13.000 young people was to study young EU citizens’ participation in society, with special reference to attitudes towards participation in elections and intentions to participate in the European elections in 2014.


Youth Social Exclusion and Lessons from Youth Work - Evidence from literature and surveyspdf

This report by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Commission (Eurydice Unit) is presenting evidence from literature and surveys about the social exclusion of young people across the European Union, and how youth work can help.


Youth in action programme - Focus on : young citizens of Europe: European good practice projects

The projects presented in this brochure describe a fascinating panorama of activities undertaken by groups of young people or young individuals in the EU and beyond, which reflect their active, critical and responsible citizenship. They were all supported by the Youth in Action programme, in the form of Youth Exchanges, European Voluntary Service projects or training and networking projects for youth workers and youth organisations.


Youth in action programme - Focus on : young people and entrepreneurship: European good practice projects

This booklet demonstrates some of the wide range of pioneering projects in Youth in Action programme that nurture the development of entrepreneurial skills.


Youth Participation in Democratic Lifepdf

This study is concerned with the participation of young people in European democratic life. For the purpose of this study the focus is on young people in the age range 13-30, in accordance with the target audience of the Youth in Action Programme.

Youth in Action Programme 2012

Youth in Action Programme 2012pdf(318 kB)English (en)

General overview of the Programme. Facts, figures and overview in terms of Projects.

Youth in Action 2007-2011

Youth in Action 2007-2011pdf(2.52 Mb)English (en)

Pdf portfolio containing an overview of the "Youth in Action" Programme across the years, from 2007 to 2011 and a more detailed report with figures, objectives and achievements year per year.



EU youth report

The 2012 EU Youth Report is a joint report by the Council and the European Commission. It summarises the results of the first work cycle of the EU Youth Strategy (2010-2012) and establishes employment, social inclusion and health and well-being as new priorities in the youth field for the next three years.

Impact of the Youth in Action programme - 2011 monitoring survey

Impact of the Youth in Action programme - 2011 monitoring surveypdf(171 kB)English (en)

This leaflet illustrates the main results of a survey launched by the European Commission among participants of projects supported by the Youth in Action Programme. The outcomes of this survey show a strong impact of the Programme on young participants, on social animators dealing with young people (youth workers) and on youth organisations. This impact relates not only to skills and competences acquired by participants, but also to their being active citizens.


Report of the 2011 monitoring survey in the Youth in Action programmepdf(242 kB)English (en)


Young people not in employment, education or training: Characteristics, costs and policy responses in Europe

This report analyses the labour market situation of young people in Europe, with a specific focus on the NEET group. It examines the determinants of belonging to the NEET group, and measures the economic and social costs of NEETs (‘not in employment, education or training’).


Youth in action programme - Focus on youth volunteering: European good practice projects

Since 1996, the EU has promoted voluntary work by young people across Europe and beyond, through the European Voluntary Service (EVS), which is part of the Youth in Action programme.


Youth in action programme - Focus on youth employment: European good practice projects

This brochure gives some examples of how non-formal learning and Youth in Action contribute to building up young people’s knowledge and skills, and give them a glimpse of what it requires to seek and hold down a job or to become an entrepreneur.


Youth exchanges: Mutual understanding

Exchanges focus on a theme relevant to the participants' daily lives, such as young people in society, racism and xenophobia, understanding between different cultures and religions, women in society, local heritage, or the environment.


Youth Initiatives: encouraging active participation

Youth Initiatives helps young people to try out their own ideas, to devise their own projects and to carry them out in their own way and so to develop entrepreneurial skills. This fact-sheet presents some examples of the thousands of projects completed so far.


Youth Democracy: building a vibrant society

Youth Democracy projects aim at boosting young people’s involvement in the democratic process at local, regional and European level.


Youth Volunteering: personal challenges, social objectives

The European voluntary service enables young people to go abroad to provide unpaid service for a maximum of one year. This fact sheet presents some examples of the hundreds of projects completed so far.


Youth Support: stronger backing for youth projects

The youth in action programme provides the opportunity for those involved in youth work to come together and compare experiences, and helps improve the quality of their work, and get better results out of the programme. This fact sheet presents some of the many youth support projects completed so far.

Access of young people to culture

Access of young people to culture

The central target group for the study is people between 15 and 24 years; secondary attention has been given to children from 12 to 15 and young adults from 24 to 29. The study describes current trends in youth culture in Europe, identifies obstacles of young people to access culture, names studies and statistics, and catalogues inspiring and successful examples from different countries.


EU-China Year of Youth 2011

2011 was designated as the EU-China Year of Youth with a view to further promoting and deepening partnerships between Europe and Chine. This publication provides an overview of the year.


Assessing practices for using indicators in fields related to youth

The general objective of the study was to provide inputs, based on experiences from and practices in the Member States, to the design of a system of using indicators that will support the Commission in developing youth policy guided by knowledge and evidence.


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