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Whether you are interested in vocational training, or you're a university student or recent graduate interested in gaining some work experience the Leonardo Da Vinci,  Erasmus, Comenius and Marie Curie programme can help you gain the skills and qualifications you need to improve your employability. Click on the links below to find out more about the programmes!



Marie Curie - Training, exchanges, partnerships

What’s it for?

Marie Curie offers researchers the opportunity to upgrade and diversify their skills, join established research teams and enhance their career prospects in all fields in the humanities and sciences. It also aims to strengthen knowledge transfer in structured training programmes, and promote transnational mobility of researchers.

Initial Training Networks

Young researchers are trained on individual, personalised research projects that are complemented by structured training modules in other relevant skills and competences (including management and financing of research projects and programmes, intellectual property rights, means of exploiting research results, entrepreneurship, ethical aspects and communication).

Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development

These fellowships help experienced researchers acquire new research skills and experience working in other sectors. This is achieved through funding for advanced training and career development. Financial support is provided for a period of 12-24 months, for individual projects presented by experienced researchers from Member States or Associated Countries in liaison with a host organisation from Member State or Associated Country. The fellowship may include training through research, hands-on training to develop scientific skills or complementary skills (eg. project management, request for pantent applications etc), active scientific and financial management of the research project, among others.

European Reintegration Grants

These provide funding for research project costs (salaries, travel, consumables, patent application, etc.) to assist professional (re)integration in Europe and to support long-term research employment for researchers who have benefited from training within a Marie Curie Action.

International Reintegration Grants

These provide funding for research project costs (salaries, travel, consumables, patent application, etc.) to assist professional (re)integration in Europe of European researchers who have carried out research outside Europe.

Co-funding of Regional, National and International Programmes

These actions co-fund regional, national and international fellowship programmes for research training and career development. Co-funded programmes must be for post-doctoral level fellowships or more experienced researchers, and must include transnational mobility.

International Outgoing Fellowships

These provide funding (salary, research-related costs) for advanced training for experienced European researchers conducting high-level research in a university, research centre or company in a non-EU country.

International Incoming Fellowships

These provide funding (salary, research-related costs) for researchers from non- European countries working on projects in a host institution in Europe.

International Research Staff Exchange Scheme

This provides funding (living and travel costs) for staff in universities, research centres and related public sector organisations to spend time in research organisations in partner countries outside the EU (countries with an EU science and technology agreement or neighbouring countries) with the aim of strengthening long-term cooperation.

Industry–Academia Partnerships and Pathways

These help commercial and non-commercial research organisations work together. Partners include universities and companies of all shapes and sizes. They focus on joint research projects and the recruitment of experienced researchers from outside the partnership in order to boost skills exchange between the commercial and non-commercial sectors.

Researchers’ Night

This is for the funding of one-night events that offer the public ‘edutainment’ activities, and allow them to improve their knowledge about researchers and research.

Who can take part?

Researchers at all stages of their careers, universities, research centres, bodies responsible for funding research training and companies.

Eligible countries are the 27 EU Member States and countries associated with the EU’s seventh framework programme. Moreover, researchers and organisations from non-EU countries are eligible for some of the actions.

How can I apply?

Via calls for proposals, and through individual applications to open peer reviewed competitions:

You can find all the information you need to decide when and how to submit an application at :

There are national contact points in Member States and associated countries providing advice and individual assistance:

Where do I get more information?

Marie-Curie Actions website:

Erasmus Mundus - Post-graduate studies worldwide

What is Erasmus Mundus?

Erasmus Mundus is a programme for academic cooperation in higher education between the EU and the rest of the world. The programme offers scholarships for students, teachers, researchers and university staff. It aims to enhance quality in higher education and promote inter-cultural understanding through coopera­tion worldwide.

The Erasmus Mundus programme provides support to:

  • Higher education institutions that wish to implement joint programmes at postgraduate level or to set-up inter-institutional cooperation partnerships between universities from Europe and targeted Third-Countries;
  • Individual students, researchers and university staff who wish to spend a study / research / teaching period in the context of one of the above mentioned joint programmes or cooperation partnerships;
  • Any organisation active in the field of higher education that wishes to develop projects aimed at enhancing the attractiveness, profile, visibility and image of European higher education worldwide.

Who can take part?

Higher education institutions, organisations active in the field of higher education and research, students, doctoral candidates, teachers, researchers and university staff.

It is open to all countries worldwide.

How do I apply?

Organisations and individuals should approach the contact point in their country.

Addresses can be found at:


Alar Albrecht, Estonia, went to Italy to train as a chef

The name of the restaurant where I worked was "Il Casale". My work placement was so successful that I'm now able to open my own pasta restaurant. It gave me such a remarkable experience ...

Last update: 31/07/2012 | Top