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Education and employment fair

Lleida, Spain, 24-26/04/2014

From  April 24th to April 26th , the Fira de Lleida will host the annual Fira de Formació Professional i Treball.

Come and visit the Youth on the Move stand in Pavilion 4 pdf - 595 KB [595 KB] !

The Youth on the Move in Lleida  offers:

- Information and advices from experts, testimonies and debates. Get the opportunity to meet representatives of the European institutions!

- Workshops and activities, Lyndi hop and hip-hop performances, a wall of expression, a living statue that will take you on a journey across Europe…

Follow us on  Facebook Youth on the Move


Del 24 al 26 d’abril, Fira de Lleida acollirà la Fira anual de Formació Professional i Treball.

Vine i visita l’estand de “Joventut en Moviment” al pavelló 4 pdf - 595 KB [595 KB] !

A l’estand “Joventut en Moviment” trobaràs:

- Informació i consells d’experts, testimonis i debats. Tindràs l’oportunitat de parlar amb representants de les institucions europees!

- Tallers i activitats, actuacions de hip-hop i Lyndi hop, un mur d’expressió i una estàtua vivent que et portaran a fer un viatge per Europa…

Segueix-nos al facebook de “Joventut en Moviment

Over 6,000 visitors attended the opening day of the Youth on the Move event in Lleida on 24 April. The first Youth on the Move event in Catalonia is fully integrated in the annual 'Professional Training and Job Fair' for youth. The fair welcomes visitors 12-30 years old, as well as a large number of secondary school teachers and vocational training professionals.

“EU mobility constitutes a fantastic opportunity for young people’s professional and social integration. It is crucial to give Catalonian and European youth the full picture of options at their disposal. I welcome the participation of the European Commission in the fair. I am happy that young people from Lleida Province will have to opportunity to learn more about what the EU can do for them”, said Miquel Angel Cullerès, Director of the Territorial and Education of Lleida during the official opening on 24 April at 11:00.

Lleida is a city in Catalonia, 150 km from Barcelona with 140,000 inhabitants, of which 70,000 are young people at all levels of education and professional training.

It is the 8th edition of the Professional Training and Job Fair in Lleida. The objective is to present the professional training and job opportunities for youth in the region and further afield. The fair organisers expect 15,000 visitors over 3 days. There are over 43 stands and 100 information sessions, conferences, testimonials and other activities foreseen throughout the fair covering 26 types of professions, including the health sector, green economy and IT.

At the Youth on Move stand there are various presentations on EURES, ESF and youth mobility with participation of enterprises, students and professors.

“The interest in vocational and educational training has risen by 38% during the last 5 years. This is very good news as it improves the integration of youth in the job market” said Josep Ramon Cabiscol, the Coordinator for Vocational and Professional Training of Lleida Province. 

The Youth on the Move event in Lleida winds up on 26 April at 14:00.


Pictures from the event

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Last update: 25/04/2014 | Top