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Week of Young Europe initiative

Maribor, 07-10/05/2012


Youth on the Move returns to Slovenia. The goal of the campaign is to inform young people about the different tools and programmes they can use to improve their skills, knowledge and employment opportunities. As part of the Week of Young Europe initiative in the framework of the European Capital of Culture, the campaign will visit Maribor from 7th till 10th May 2012 and will contribute to the event with a programme rich of project presentations, roundtables and entertainment. On the Trg Leona Štuklja square, visitors will be able to gather information about projects and participants of the Lifelong Learning and Youth in Action programmes, participate in discussions and share their experience of studying, working or doing a traineeship abroad.

More information



Programme pdf - 373 KB [373 KB] slovenščina (sl)

Pictures from the event

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Last update: 19/09/2012 | Top