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EAIE Conference

Copenhagen, 13-16/09/2011

Copenhagen Event


Place: Bella Center
Address: Center Boulevard 5, DK- 2300
City: Copenhagen
Country: Denmark
Metro stop: Bella Center


European Association for International Education 23rd Annual Conference with hands-on workshops and cutting-edge sessions will highlight the latest trends in the field of international education. Over 4200 participants from 87 countries joined for networking, learning, and sharing of best practices, resulting in a truly dynamic knowledge exchange.

Hundreds of people visited the EU's stand at Europe's largest international education conference at Bella Centre in Copenhagen 13-16 September. Visitors received first hand information from experts on higher education and research training in the EU and world wide. Research fellows of the EU's Marie Curie scheme and alumni of the Erasmus and Erasmus Mundus exchange programmes talked of their experiences. Visiting the stand, Morten Løkkegaard, Member of the European Parliament, and Jordi Curell Gotor, Director at the European Commission, stressed that investing in education and research was the best business and employment plan for the future of Europe. Visitors could test their knowledge about Europe in a quiz.

As part of its strategy for boosting skills for new jobs, innovation and mobility the European Commission is aiming to nearly double from 2014 onwards the number of young people, teachers and researchers who get EU grants for study and training abroad, from 400 000 recipients per year now to almost 800 000 in future.



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Last update: 19/09/2011 | Top