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Festival of Europe

Florence, 06-10/05/2011

Festival of Europe, Florence, 6-10 May 2011


Address: Piazza della Signoria
Town/city: Firenze
Country: Italy



The European Commission held on the 6-10 May in Florence a major Youth on the Move event in the framework of the first edition of the Festival of Europe organised by the European University Institute.

A tent-like structure was constructed for the event in the heart of this magnificent city, in Piazza della Signoria.

The five-day programme was composed of project presentations, testimonials and exchange of experiences and aimed to give young people the opportunity to discuss among themselves the possibilities of mobility and of acquiring the skills needed to get a stable job.
The focus was on studying, learning, volunteering and working abroad, as well as on the tools which Europe is proposing to achieve this.
However, there was entertainment, a quiz, a poster competition and other sursprises.

With over 20.000 visitors to the Youth on the Move tent, the event was a success.

The Youth on the Move presence in Florence was an integral part of a pan-European communication and promotion campaign which is gathering thousands of young people in similar discussions in Hungary, France, Germany and Poland.

And there is more to follow in other European countries!


More information

Festival d'Europa



Download the programme pdf - 123 KB [123 KB] italiano (it)

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Last update: 19/09/2011 | Top