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February 2022

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EQAVET Newsletter

European Quality Assurance Reference Framework in Vocational Education and Training - Issue n°1

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News from the EQAVET Network
New EQAVET web pages launched
The EQAVET website has been transferred to the EUROPA webpages. On the new web pages you can find information about EQAVET implementation in Member States, case studies, publications and more. Visit the website by clicking ‘Main URL’ below.
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Quality Assurance in Centres of Vocational Excellence
A Peer Learning Activity brought together the EQAVET Network and the Centres of Vocational Excellences (CoVEs) for the first time in autumn 2021. The Peer Learning Activity was attended by 60 participants from 22 countries. It explored the main challenges related to quality assurance in CoVE and CoVE Networks, the results and work of the EQAVET Network that might be useful for CoVEs and the CoVE Network and quality assurance instruments that can be used to support quality assurance approaches in CoVEs. Click ‘Main URL’ below to download the report via the EQAVET virtual library.
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EQAVET branding and visual guidelines refreshed
The branding and visual guidelines for EQAVET have been refreshed. They are designed to help you when using the EQAVET logo and branding. Click the ‘Main URL’ below to download the guidelines via the EQAVET virtual library.
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News on EU-level discussions and policy developments
Microcredentials for labour market education and training
CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) brought together over 200 participants at the end of November to present the findings from their latest study on microcredentials and to look at how they are currently being used. Click ‘Main URL’ below to visit the CEDEFOP website and access the presentations from the event.
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The next decade of European Education
The fourth European Education Summit took place on 9 December 2021. The event looked at the future of education and training in the EU, including how smart investment can lead to high-quality education and training. To find out more and watch the event recordings, visit the European Commission website via the ‘Main URL’ below.
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Quality Assurance in VET: Recent national initiatives
Furthering quality assurance mechanisms for adult education in Croatia
Since 2020 Croatia has been developing a quality assurance system for adult education. So far, a comprehensive model has been proposed, including manuals for self-assessment and external evaluation of adult education providers. Twenty-five providers have been included in piloting self-assessment and external evaluation in 2021. Establishing an external evaluation committee and further support to providers is underway in 2022. For the first time, Croatia also participates in the PIAAC survey, piloted in 2021, which will be undertaken in 2022. For further information about the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education in Croatia, click on ‘Main URL’ provided below (the website working language is Croatian).
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See also Further description of the activity (EN)
Qualiopi – the new mandatory certification for VET providers in France
The new French national quality framework for VET providers and new certification, “Qualiopi”, came into force on 1 January 2022. From now on, all VET providers based on public funds have to be certified in accordance with a unique national reference framework and the Qualiopi mark. Certification is issued by accredited independent certifying bodies recognised by France compétences. Any VET provider who has already begun its certification process can be covered by public funds until the Qualiopi certification is obtained, at the latest by 30 June 2022. For further information about the new national quality framework from the French Labor Ministry website, click the ‘Main URL’ below (the website working language is French).
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See also Certified French VET providers list (FR)
EQAVET-based quality management system for formal VET institutions in Hungary
A comprehensive reform of the Hungarian VET system has been implemented and a national quality management system (QMS) for formal VET institutions is being developed. The QMS is based on self-evaluation and the EQAVET framework. It will consist of a quality policy, self-evaluation (supplemented by a self-evaluation guidebook published by the government), external evaluation criteria and evaluation of VET teacher-trainers. Formal VET institutions are required to elaborate their QMS by 31 August 2022, with support available from the NRP and sectoral governance bodies.
Dates for your diary: EU-level events
First pilot EQAVET Peer Review
date 30/03/2022 - 31/03/2022
venue Madrid, Spain
Annual Network Meeting
date 09/06/2022 - 10/06/2022
venue Paris, France

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