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2007 impact assessment (IA) reports - Impact Assessment

The impact assessment reports and the opinions of the Impact Assessment Board (IAB) are published after the Commission has adopted the corresponding proposal.

Note 1) that the IAB opinions concern draft impact assessment reports which may differ from the ones adopted.
Note 2) The IAB was set up 14 November 2006 and started its operations in February 2007. Therefore in 2007 list the IAB has not issued an opinion for those impact assessment reports which date before it was fully operational.

Agriculture and Rural Development
Adoption dateCommission proposalIA final report + summaryProposal referenceIAB Opinion
2007/01/24Council regulation on reform fruit and vegetable common market organisationSEC(2007)74pdf(919 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)75pdf(41 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)17No IAB Opinion
2007/07/04Common organisation of the market in wineSEC(2007)893pdf(290 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)894pdf(49 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)372SEC(2007)895pdf(109 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
2007/09/11Review of the support scheme in the cotton sectorSEC(2007)1481pdf(2 MB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1482pdf(37 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)701Final IAB Opinionpdf(119 kB)
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Adoption dateCommission proposalIA final report + summaryProposal referenceIAB Opinion
2007/10/03White Paper on a European Communication Policy 'Communicating Europe in Partnership'SEC(2007)1265pdf(343 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1267pdf(152 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)568SEC(2007)1268pdf(32 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
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Adoption dateCommission proposalIA final report + summaryProposal referenceIAB Opinion
2007/02/28Communication 'EU Code of Conduct on Division of Labour in Development Policy'SEC(2007)248pdf(684 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)249pdf(61 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)72pdf(60 kB) Choose translations of the previous link No IAB Opinion
2007/06/27From Cairo to Lisbon - The EU-Africa Strategic PartnershipSEC(2007)855pdf(57 kB) Choose translations of the previous link COM(2007)357SEC(2007)868pdf(80 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
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Education and Culture
Adoption dateCommission proposalIA final report + summaryProposal referenceIAB Opinion
2007/07/10White Paper on SportSEC(2007)932pdf(157 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)936pdf(18 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)391SEC(2007)939pdf(98 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
2007/07/12Action programme for the enhancement of quality in higher education and the promotion of intercultural understanding through co-operation with third-countries (Erasmus Mundus, 2009-2013)SEC(2007)949pdf(392 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)950pdf(96 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)395SEC(2007)952pdf(17 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
2007/08/03Quality of Teacher Education in the European UnionSEC(2007)933pdf(13 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)931pdf(265 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)392SEC(2007)937pdf(97 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
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Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
Adoption dateCommission proposalIA final report + summaryProposal referenceIAB Opinion
2007/02/21Communication on the Community strategy 2007-2012 on health and safety at workSEC(2007)214pdf(281 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)216pdf(65 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)62No IAB Opinion
2007/06/27Towards Common principles of Flexicurity: More and better jobs through flexibility and securitySEC(2007)861pdf(200 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)862pdf(15 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)359SEC(2007)864pdf(96 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
2007/11/20Communication on services of general interest, including social services of general interest - A new European commitmentNot availableCOM(2007)725Final IAB Opinionpdf(123 kB)
2007/12/12Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and the Council on a European Year for combating poverty and social exclusion (2010)SEC(2007)1661pdf(317 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1662pdf(36 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)797No IAB Opinion
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Energy and Transport
Adoption dateCommission proposalIA final report + summaryProposal referenceIAB Opinion
2007/01/10Renewable Energy Road MapSEC(2006)1719pdf(629 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2006)1720pdf(50 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)12pdf(794 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2006)848No IAB Opinion
2007/01/10Report on the implementation of the Biofuels Directive (2003/30/EC)SEC(2006)1721pdf(217 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)12pdf(794 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2006)845No IAB Opinion
2007/01/10Communication on sustainable coalSEC(2006)1722pdf(2 MB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2006)1723pdf(33 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)12pdf(794 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2006)843No IAB Opinion
2007/01/10Strategic EU Energy ReviewSEC(2006)1719pdf(629 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2006)1720pdf(50 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
COM(2007)1 +
COM(2006)848 +
No IAB Opinion
2007/01/24Charges aéroportuairesSEC(2006)1688pdf(163 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2006)1689pdf(34 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2006)820No IAB Opinion
2007/01/24Communication on airport capacitySEC(2006)1686pdf(202 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2006)1687pdf(31 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2006)819No IAB Opinion
2007/01/31Communication on extension of the major trans-European transport axes to the neighbouring countries - Guidelines for transport in Europe and neighbouring regionsSEC(2007)98pdf(247 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)99pdf(50 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)32No IAB Opinion
2007/05/16Regulation on common rules for access to the market for coach and bus services (Recast)SEC(2007)635pdf(196 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)636pdf(54 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)263 +
COM(2007)264 +
No IAB Opinion
2007/05/23Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and the Council on common rules concerning the conditions to be complied with to pursue the occupation of road transport operatorsSEC(2007)635pdf(196 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)636pdf(54 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)263No IAB Opinion
2007/05/23Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and the Council on common rules for access to the market in coach and bus services (recast)SEC(2007)635pdf(196 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)636pdf(54 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)264No IAB Opinion
2007/09/07Legislative package on the internal market for electricity and gasSEC(2007)1179pdf(632 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1180pdf(39 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)528 +
COM(2007)529 +
COM(2007)530 +
COM(2007)531 +
Final IAB Opinionpdf(135 kB) +
IAB opinion 1st IApdf(171 kB)
2007/09/19Regulation on amending Regulation (EC)1775/2005 on conditions for access to the natural gas transmission networksSEC(2007)1179pdf(632 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1180pdf(39 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)532SEC(2007)1182pdf(135 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
2007/10/03Communication on enhancing urban transport securitySEC(2007)1204pdf(17 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1205pdf(247 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)547pdf(504 kB) Choose translations of the previous link SEC(2007)1207pdf(24 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
2007/10/18Communication on rail freight oriented networkSEC(2007)1324pdf(2 MB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1325pdf(796 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)608SEC(2007)1327pdf(169 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
2007/10/18Communication on a European port policySEC(2007)1339pdf(589 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  + SEC(2007)1340pdf(165 kB) Choose translations of the previous link COM(2007)616SEC(2007)1349pdf(151 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
IAB opinion 1st IApdf(155 kB)
2007/10/18Action plan on freight transport logisticsSEC(2007)1321pdf(175 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1320pdf(279 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
2007/11/15Proposal for a Regulation on a Code of Conduct for computerised reservation systemsSEC(2007)1496pdf(356 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1497pdf(120 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)709Final IAB Opinionpdf(102 kB)
2007/11/22Communication on European Energy Strategic technology Plan (SET-Plan)SEC(2007)1508pdf(481 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1509pdf(42 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)723SEC(2007)1522pdf(180 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
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Enterprise and Industry
Adoption dateCommission proposalIA final report + summaryProposal referenceIAB Opinion
2007/02/07Communication on a competitive automotive regulatory framework for the 21st century - Commission's position on the cars 21 high level group final reportSEC(2007)77pdf(432 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)78pdf(18 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)22No IAB Opinion
2007/02/14Internal Market Package: Proposals for the revision of the New ApproachSEC(2007)173pdf(488 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)174pdf(136 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)37 +
No IAB Opinion
2007/02/14Internal Market Package: Mutual Recognition DirectiveSEC(2007)112pdf(529 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)113pdf(31 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)36No IAB Opinion
2007/02/24Action Programme for Reducing Administrative Burden in the European UnionSEC(2007)84pdf(228 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)85pdf(34 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)23No IAB Opinion
2007/03/06Regulation on administrative burden reduction 'omnibus'

- HACCP – Food hygiene
- Company Law – Mergers
- Regulation 11 Transport
SEC(2007)301pdf(151 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)302pdf(98 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)298pdf(129 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)300pdf(95 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)303pdf(115 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)304pdf(94 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)90 +
2007/04/17Regulation on laying down Community procedures for the establishment of residue limits of pharmacologically active substances in foodstuffs of animal origin and repealing regulation (EEC)2377/90SEC(2007)484pdf(111 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)485pdf(24 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)194No IAB Opinion
2007/04/26European Space PolicySEC(2007)505pdf(971 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)506pdf(134 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)212SEC(2007)527pdf(26 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
2007/06/11Report on the possibilities of further improving the environmental characteristics of recreational craft engines, submitted pursuant to Article 2 of Directive 2003/44/EC, amending Directive 94/25/EC relating to recreational craftSEC(2007)819pdf(159 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)770pdf(278 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)313No IAB Opinion
2007/06/27Regulation on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, and amending Directive 67/548/EEC and Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006SEC(2007)853pdf(121 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)854pdf(297 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)355No IAB Opinion
2007/09/10Directive on amending Council Directive 80/181/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to units of measurementSEC(2007)1136pdf(216 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1137pdf(117 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)510Final IAB Opinionpdf(129 kB)
2007/09/11Communication on public-private dialogue in security researchSEC(2007)1138pdf(185 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1139pdf(115 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)511SEC(2007)1145pdf(97 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
2007/10/01Proposal for a European Parliament and Council directive amending Council Directive 76/69/EEC on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to restrictions on the marketing and use of certain dangerous substances and preparationsSEC(2007)1237pdf(138 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1238pdf(166 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)559Final IAB Opinionpdf(129 kB)
2007/10/03Regulation on the protection of pedestrians and other vulnerable road usersSEC(2007)1244pdf(229 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1245pdf(110 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)560No IAB Opinion
2007/10/10Regulation relating to the type-approval of hydrogen powered motor vehiclesSEC(2007)1301pdf(220 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1302pdf(14 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)593Final IAB Opinionpdf(154 kB)
2007/12/05Proposal for a Directive on simplifying terms and conditions of transfers of defence-related products within the CommunitySEC(2007)1593pdf(606 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1594pdf(350 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)765SEC(2007)1605pdf(188 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
2007/12/05Commission communication on a strategy for a stronger and more competitive European defence industrySEC(2007)1596pdf(334 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1597pdf(154 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)764SEC(2007)1606pdf(157 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
2007/12/21Regulation on type-approval of motor vehicles and engines with respect to emissions from heavy duty vehicles (EURO VI) and on access to vehicle repair and maintenance informationSEC(2007)1718pdf(354 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1720pdf(110 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)851Final IAB Opinionpdf(129 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
Top Top
Adoption dateCommission proposalIA final report + summaryProposal referenceIAB Opinion
2007/01/10Communication on limiting Global Climate Change to 2 degrees CelsiusSEC(2007)7pdf(46 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)8pdf(2 MB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)2No IAB Opinion
2007/01/16Report on the targets contained in article 7(2)(b) of Directive 2000/53/EC on end-of-life vehicleSEC(2007)14pdf(768 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)15pdf(154 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)5No IAB Opinion
2007/01/31Review of Directive 98/70 relating to fuel qualitySEC(2007)55pdf(2 MB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)56pdf(46 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)18No IAB Opinion
2007/02/07Communication on the results of the review of the Community Strategy to reduce CO2 emissions from passenger cars and light-commercial vehiclesSEC(2007)60pdf(327 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)61pdf(93 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)19No IAB Opinion
2007/02/09Directive on the protection of the environment through criminal lawSEC(2007)160pdf(296 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)161pdf(113 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)51No IAB Opinion
2007/04/30Mid-term review on the Sixth Community Environment Action ProgrammeSEC(2007)546pdf(2 MB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)547pdf(19 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)225No IAB Opinion
2007/07/18Communication on water scarcity and droughtSEC(2007)993pdf(528 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)996pdf(45 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)414SEC(2007)997pdf(114 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
IAB opinion 1st IApdf(146 kB)
2007/12/19Regulation setting emission performance standards for new passenger cars as part of the Community's integrated approach to reduce CO2 emissions from light-duty vehiclesSEC(2007)1723pdf(2 MB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1724pdf(87 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)856SEC(2007)1725pdf(165 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
2007/12/21Directive reviewing existing legislation on industrial emissions - Recast IPPCSEC(2007)1679pdf(2 MB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1682pdf(136 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)844Final IAB Opinionpdf(121 kB)
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Fisheries and Maritime Affairs
Adoption dateCommission proposalIA final report + summaryProposal referenceIAB Opinion
2007/03/28Communication on a policy for the progressive elimination of discardsSEC(2007)380pdf(131 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)381pdf(41 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)136No IAB Opinion
2007/10/10Communication on an integrated maritime policySEC(2007)1279pdf(338 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1280pdf(112 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)575Final IAB Opinionpdf(137 kB)
2007/10/18Community strategy against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishingSEC(2007)1336pdf(591 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1312pdf(18 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)601SEC(2007)1313pdf(163 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
2007/10/18Regulation on protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems in the high seasSEC(2007)1315pdf(233 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1317pdf(114 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)605Final IAB Opinionpdf(149 kB)
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Health and Consumers
Adoption dateCommission proposalIA final report + summaryProposal referenceIAB Opinion
2007/01/29Directive on the marketing of fruit plant propagating material and fruit plants intended for fruit productionSEC(2007)93pdf(491 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)94pdf(164 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)31No IAB Opinion
2007/03/13EU Consumer Policy Strategy 2007-2013SEC(2007)322pdf(16 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)323pdf(267 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)99No IAB Opinion
2007/05/30Communication on organ donation and transplantationSEC(2007)704pdf(622 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)705pdf(31 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)275SEC(2007)763pdf(18 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
2007/05/30Strategy on nutrition and physical activitySEC(2007)706pdf(2 MB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)707pdf(121 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)279SEC(2007)709pdf(118 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
2007/06/04Directive amending Council Directive 96/22/EC concerning the prohibition on the use in stockfarming of certain substances having an hormonal or thyreostatic action and of beta-agonistsSEC(2007)733pdf(166 kB) Choose translations of the previous link COM(2007)292No IAB Opinion
2007/06/07Revision of the Timeshare Directive (94/47/EC)SEC(2007)743pdf(380 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)744pdf(155 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)303SEC(2007)745pdf(17 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
2007/09/19New Animal Health Strategy (2007-2013) where "Prevention is better than cure"SEC(2007)1189pdf(554 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1190pdf(122 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)539SEC(2007)1193pdf(141 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
2007/10/23White Paper: 'Together for Health: Strategic Approach for the EU 2008-2013'SEC(2007)1374pdf(620 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1375pdf(51 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
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Information Society and Media
Adoption dateCommission proposalIA final report + summaryProposal referenceIAB Opinion
2007/05/15Council Regulation on the establishment of the "ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking" to implement a Joint Technology Initiative in Embedded Computing SystemSEC(2007)582pdf(621 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)583pdf(167 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)243No IAB Opinion
2007/06/22Joint Technology Initiative in the area of nanoelectronics "ENIAC Joint Undertaking"SEC(2007)852pdf(35 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)851pdf(2 MB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)356Final IAB Opinionpdf(99 kB)
2007/07/18Communicating on strengthening the internal market for mobile televisionSEC(2007)980pdf(204 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)981pdf(33 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)409SEC(2007)986pdf(86 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
2007/11/08Communication on a i2010 European initiative on e-inclusionSEC(2007)1469pdf(2 MB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1470pdf(156 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)694pdf Choose translations of the previous link 
2007/11/13Revision of the regulatory framework for electronic communications and services (European Electronic Communications Market Authority)SEC(2007)1472pdf(2 MB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1473pdf(147 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)697 +
COM(2007)698 +
SEC(2007)1475pdf(187 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
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Internal Market and Services
Adoption dateCommission proposalIA final report + summaryProposal referenceIAB Opinion
2007/07/10Taking-up and pursuit of the business of Insurance and Reinsurance - Solvency IISEC(2007)871pdf(989 kB) Choose translations of the previous link COM(2007)361SEC(2007)872pdf(128 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
2007/12/05Proposal for a Directive on the coordination of the award of certain public works contracts, public supply contracts and public service contracts in the fields of defence and securitySEC(2007)1598pdf(654 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1599pdf(158 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)766SEC(2007)1602pdf(176 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
2007/12/12Directive on the cross-border transfer of registered officeSEC(2007)1707pdf(2 MB) Choose translations of the previous link Initiative abortedFinal IAB opinionpdf(166 kB)
2007/12/12Proportionality between Capital and Control in Listed CompaniesSEC(2007)1705pdf(558 kB) Choose translations of the previous link Initiative abortedFinal IAB opinionpdf(25 kB)
2007/12/18White Paper on the Integration of EU Mortgage Credit MarketsSEC(2007)1683pdf(2 MB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1684pdf(164 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)807SEC(2007)1685pdf(183 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
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Justice, Freedom and Security
Adoption dateCommission proposalIA final report + summaryProposal referenceIAB Opinion
2007/05/16Minimum sanctions to employers of illegally resident third-country nationalsSEC(2007)603pdf(926 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)604pdf(141 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COMM(2007)249SEC(2007)606pdf(149 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
2007/05/22Communication on Developing the General Policy for the fight against Cyber CrimeSEC(2007)641pdf(40 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)642pdf(116 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)267SEC(2007)649pdf(29 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
2007/06/11Council Decision on the installation, operation and management of a Communication Infrastructure for the Schengen Information System (SIS) environmentSEC(2007)810pdf(123 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)809pdf(244 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)306 +
No IAB Opinion
2007/10/23Directive on a single permit for third country workers in Member StatesSEC(2007)1393pdf(148 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1408pdf(546 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)638SEC(2007)1402pdf(138 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
2007/10/23Directive on the conditions of entry and residence of highly qualified third country workersSEC(2007)1403pdf(2 MB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1382pdf(174 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)637SEC(2007)1401pdf(136 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
2007/11/06Directive on the use of Passenger Name Record (PNR) for law enforcement purposesSEC(2007)1453pdf(408 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1422pdf(152 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)654SEC(2007)1457pdf(144 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
2007/11/06Revision of Council Framework decision of 13 June 2002 on combating terrorismSEC(2007)1424pdf(592 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1425pdf(128 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)650SEC(2007)1427pdf(152 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
2007/11/06Communication on enhancing the security of explosivesSEC(2007)1421pdf(729 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1423pdf(134 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)651SEC(2007)1428pdf(158 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
2007/12/05Commission communication "Towards an effective diplomatic and consular protection of Union citizens in third countries" and the Commission Recommendation on reproducing the text of Article 20 EC in passportsSEC(2007)1600pdf(735 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1601pdf(40 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)767pdf(159 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
C(2007)5841pdf(111 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
SEC(2007)1604pdf(153 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
IAB Opinion 1st IApdf(125 kB)
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Adoption dateCommission proposalIA final report + summaryProposal referenceIAB Opinion
2007/05/15Council Regulation on the establishment of the 'ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking' to implement a Joint Technology Initiative in Embedded Computing SystemsSEC(2007)582pdf(621 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)583pdf(167 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)243No IAB Opinion
2007/05/15Council Regulation concerning the setting up the Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint UndertakingSEC(2007)568pdf(329 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)569pdf(161 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)241No IAB Opinion
2007/06/13Joint Technology Initiative in the area of aeronautics and air transport 'Clean Sky'SEC(2007)773pdf(228 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)774pdf(44 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)315SEC(2007)778pdf(120 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
2007/10/09Proposal for a Regulation setting up the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint UndertakingSEC(2007)1272pdf(352 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1273pdf(136 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)571Final IAB Opinionpdf(120 kB)
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Adoption dateCommission proposalIA final report + summaryProposal referenceIAB Opinion
2007/11/20Communication on a single market for 21st century in EuropeNot availableCOM(2007)724Final IAB Opinionpdf(209 kB)
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Taxation and Customs Union
Adoption dateCommission proposalIA final report + summaryProposal referenceIAB Opinion
2007/03/13Council directive on commercial dieselSEC(2007)171pdf(57 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)170pdf(509 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)52No IAB Opinion
2007/09/12Communication on the Rules of Origin in Economic Partnership Agreement regional negotiationsSEC(2007)1167pdf(192 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1168pdf(185 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
SEC(2007)1166/3pdf(25 kB) Choose translations of the previous link Final IAB Opinionpdf(152 kB)
2007/11/28Proposal for a Council Regulation laying down implementing measures for Directive 2006/112/EC on the common system of VAT, as regards the treatment of insurance and financial servicesSEC(2007)1554pdf(385 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1555pdf(135 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)747SEC(2007)1581pdf(161 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
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Adoption dateCommission proposalIA final report + summaryProposal referenceIAB Opinion
2007/04/18Renewed Market Access StrategySEC(2007)452pdf(207 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)453pdf(28 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)183SEC(2007)462pdf(30 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
2007/12/21Regulation applying a scheme of generalised tariff preferences for the period from 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2011 and amending Regulations (EC) No 552/97, No 1933/2006 and Commission Regulations (EC) No 964/2007 and No 100/2006SEC(2007)1726pdf(321 kB) Choose translations of the previous link  +
SEC(2007)1727pdf(115 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
COM(2007)857Final IAB Opinionpdf(135 kB)
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