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Territorial Economic Data viewer supports policy monitoring

  • 23 May 2023
The Territorial Economic Data viewer (TEDv) gathers data on different Research and Innovation funding, helping policymakers monitor EU programmes and ensuring greater transparency in the use of public resources.
Territorial Economic Data viewer supports policy monitoring

TEDv is a data visualisation tool and the first of its kind to combine statistical territorial information on various EU funding programmes (Horizon programme, Cohesion Policy and the Recovery and Resilience Facility) in a single, coherent framework.

It was recently launched by the Regional Economic Monitoring (REMO) team of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre.

Information is sourced from more 10 different databases, including Kohesio, Cohesion Open Data Platform and EUROSTAT.

Territorial funding statistics are divided into 4 dashboards: Regional, Sectorial, Comparison, and Regional info-sheet. 


4 dashboards: Regional, Sectorial, Comparison, Regional

TEDv enables the comparison of different EU funds in a particular territory and displays the contribution that each funding source makes towards that territory’s total Research and Development expenditure.

The Comparison dashboard includes a territorial benchmarking tool that allows for a comparison of funding in regions with similar characteristics. This statistical information lets policymakers compare a territory’s relative position with country and EU averages, and with other EU regions.

Government bodies, managing authorities and stakeholders currently have to navigate several data sources/webpages, where information is expressed in different formats or taxonomies. TEDv addresses these challenges by integrating data from multiple sources and presenting territorial statistics in a user-friendly format.


Testimonial from Italy’s Tuscany region

The open and data-oriented approach that characterises TEDv perfectly complements the work we have been doing in Tuscany on Recovery and Resilience Facility data and regional projects over the past year. The tools ensure greater visibility and transparency, and better reporting to the general public, about the use of public resources. The updated data is available in open format and is downloadable. The control panels are useful for exploring the main implementation indicators or for visualising where projects are located.



Find out more:

Territorial Economic Data viewer (TEDv)