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Interreg offers expert policy input for green and smart regions

  • 08 Feb 2023
Warmińsko-Mazurskie region in Poland made a green shift in its regional development policy with the help of Interreg Europe. Find out how the input of experts from other corners of Europe helped to improve the region’s policy.
Interreg offers expert policy input for green and smart regions

Interreg Europe’s Policy Learning Platform was set up to provide tailored advice and services to policymakers throughout Europe. One of the key services is a two-day meeting, a peer review, with policy experts to tackle a specific challenge.


In the Warmińsko-Mazurskie region, the focus was on the lack of policies to promote the circular economy. In 2020, the region decided to incorporate the circular economy approach in the design of its new Regional Operational Programme and support projects to make the region greener.


The region contacted the Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform for advice on its policies. Interreg Europe’s thematic experts examined the region’s needs and planning agenda. In September 2020, experts from Belgium, Greece, Italy and Slovenia with circular economy experience came to Poland. Over two days, they discussed how the region could make the “green shift” and provided advice and recommendations.


“Without the peer review, it would have been very hard for us to embed the circular economy in our new operational programme in this comprehensive way. Now we cover the environmental, economic and social dimensions,” said Kinga Krupińska of the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship.


More than 40 such reviews have taken place around Europe in the past three years. They have helped public authorities to change perspective, learn from the successes and mistakes of others and improve regional policies.


The discussion and input of the experts is a free service for public authorities and the application process is simple. Apply and benefit from cooperation with Interreg Europe.



Learn more about the Interreg Europe peer reviews:

Learn more about the Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform in this 1-minute video: