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Meet Spain’s award-winning ERDF projects

  • 14 Dec 2022
The Spanish annual communication event on regional policy and European funds – Acto anual de política regional y fondos europeos en España – is hosted by the Spanish general secretary of European funds of the Ministry of Finance. It rewards the achievements and best communication practices of projects co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), that strengthen economic, social and territorial cohesion across European regions. The awards ceremony was held in Madrid on 29 November.
Meet Spain’s award-winning ERDF projects

The projects were launched or completed during the 2014-2020 period and focused on research and innovation, digital technologies, low-carbon economy, sustainable management of natural resources, and small businesses.


The 12 projects were selected in November as one of 3 finalists in 4 categories: regional, national administration, and local authority level, and European territorial cooperation.

The selection criteria were how well the project communicated its activities to potential beneficiaries, its incorporation of innovative elements, its contribution to the resolution of a problem identified at territorial level, and consideration of the principles of equal opportunities, non-discrimination, social responsibility and environmental protection. All participants present physically or online voted for their favourite project in each category.

In the regional category, Nadie Sin Su Ración Diaria won first prize for digitalising the food donation system to promote the social inclusion of people who need of food aid. The project was implemented by the company FoodRation4All and supported by the Valencian Community. It received EUR 232 500 in funding, of which 50 % was co-financed by the ERDF.

The other two finalists were Interurban Public Transport of Mallorca, which modernised and digitalised public transport to improve commuting for residents and tourists across the island; and the Spanish National Hydrogen Center (CNH2), in Castilla-La-Mancha, where the ERDF helped to finance research, development and innovation through the acquisition of new scientific and technological equipment.


At the national administration level, the winning project was Imagen Molecular de Alta Sensibilidad (IMAS), from the Valencia Ministry of Universal Health and Public Health. The project developed a new positron emission tomography scanner with higher sensitivity, to improve diagnostic certainty and better monitor treatment response. The EUR 7.5 million budget was 50 % co-financed by the ERDF. 

The project El programa Integral de innovación de Salvamento Marítimo (iSAR) used unmanned aircraft to improve the rescue of persons and ensure better environmental protection by making it easier to identify pollutants.

The web portal Naranjas y Frutas, from Valencia, was the third finalist in the national category. It contributes to digitalisation of the agricultural sector with a user-friendly web portal that facilitates communication between farmers and merchants to make buying and selling of crops easier and quicker.

At the level of town councils, the prize was awarded to the urban gardens of Salamanca project, which revitalised a degraded area, providing more than 100 000 m2 on the banks of the Tormes River for urban agriculture or leisure.

The other finalists were the rehabilitation of the Tobacco warehouses in Cádiz to construct a cultural and social innovation centre for all citizens; and the project From the field to the table, in Onda, that helped the municipal market to promote local commerce and traditions.


Winner in the European territorial cooperation category was MOAI Labs, a EUR 1.5 million initiative 75 % co-financed by the ERDF, dedicated to research and innovation to prevent loneliness and social isolation of the elderly. The project was a combined effort by Spain, Portugal and France, and supported by the Ministry of Family and Equal Opportunities of the Regional Government of Castilla y León

The other two finalists were POCTEFA Testacos, a pioneering France-Spain cross-border project coordinated by the University of Zaragoza; and the ALICE project in Cantabria, involving partners from Portugal, Spain, Northern Ireland, and France.

POCTEFA Testacos developed a new method for detecting antibiotics in live animals before they enter the food chain. It tests for more than 50 antibacterial molecules and the results are available in 3 hours, which helps to avoid the unnecessary slaughter of animals and protects the health of consumers.

Finally, the ALICE project closed the ceremony by presenting its sustainable investments in blue-green infrastructure networks to deliver ecosystem services including water purification, improving air quality, and providing space for climate mitigation and adaptation.

This year, the participants once again showed Una manera de hacer Europa with their diverse and innovative projects to build a better tomorrow for all European citizens. This creativity must be shared, not only at the local, regional and national – but also at the European level.