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European Funds for Internal Security: more than EUR 500 million to achieve a more secure Europe during the 2020–2027 period

  • 20 Apr 2022
The European Funds for Internal Security aim to achieve a more secure Europe and strengthen external borders to achieve effective immigration management. Three European Funds, AMIF - Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, BMVI - Instrument for Financial Support for Border Management and Visa Policy, and ISF - Internal Security Fund, are responsible for providing Spain with the best tools so that all organisations and institutions in charge of security can carry out their work in the most optimal way.
European Funds for Internal Security: more than EUR 500 million to achieve a more secure Europe during the 2020–2027 period

To this end, projects have been undertaken during the 14–20 financial framework to strengthen the fight against sexual abuse and cybercrime, without losing sight of the fight against terrorism and illegal immigration gangs. In addition, health and social assistance has been co-financed for detained foreigners, and resources have been provided for maritime surveillance and land border protection services.


Freedom and security

One of the main objectives of the European Union is to promote the peace and well-being of its citizens, as well as to offer freedom, security and justice without internal borders, while adopting measures at its external borders that are appropriate for regulating asylum and immigration and preventing and fighting crime. Aligned with this, and to fulfil the mission of reinforcing the security of Spain, the European Commission has three financing instruments - ISF, BMVI and AMIF - that will offer greater flexibility during the 21–27 financial framework. The Internal Security Fund will help to ensure a high level of security in the Union, in order to fight against terrorism and radicalisation, and serious forms of crime and organised crime, without forgetting new forms of cybercrime. Furthermore, the Instrument for Financial Support for Border Management and Visa Policy will ensure that European management of the external borders is integrated, robust and efficient, and it will support the common visa policy. Finally, the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund will contribute to efficient migration management through the application, reinforcement and development of the common asylum and immigration policy.


4nseek, anti-explosive robots and social assistance for foreigners

During the preceding financial framework, the ISF and AMIF Funds were tasked with covering the EU's security needs in Spain through the financing of various projects. Among these projects, one that stands out is the 4nseek tool, which facilitates cross-border cooperation in fighting cybercrime and child sexual abuse. The funds are also responsible for promoting the fight against terrorism, for which the technical equipment of the TEDAXNRBQ units has also been enhanced, financing the maintenance of 32 robots dedicated to deactivating explosive devices. In addition to technical equipment, health and social assistance has been co-financed for foreigners detained in the Foreigner Detention Centres through the National Police and with the collaboration of the Red Cross.


Borders and humanitarian aid

A major breakthrough for the identification of European passengers has led to the financing of ABC System technology, which automates the identification of people with a double biometric check facilitating facial and fingerprint recognition, as well as verifying the authenticity of documentation. With the goal of safeguarding the borders, the Tenerife North Airport has been restored and the Civil Guard has acquired a new plane - the Super King Aire 350i - for its Air Service, which allows for maritime surveillance of the borders and facilitates humanitarian aid. To intensify the fight against immigration gangs, undertaken by the Maritime Service, the Civil Guard has acquired three medium-sized patrol boats with sustained navigation. Similarly, with the aim of improving protection of land borders, two vehicles have been co-financed that include thermal cameras and detection and communications equipment.

During the next financial framework, the Management Authority for the European Internal Security Funds has EUR 513 million for creating new, innovative projects that improve our country’s security.