en English

Call for expression of interest - Innovative Implementation of the Partnership Principle in Cohesion Policy

  • 30 March 2023
Call for expression of interest - Innovative Implementation of the Partnership Principle in Cohesion Policy

Deadline for application is approaching (30.04.2023). Join OECD and DG REGIO on Tuesday 4 April and learn how to fill in the application from.

DG REGIO and OECD will host a webinar on Tuesday 4 April to explain how to fill in the application form. The meeting will take place online from 4:00 to 5:00 pm (CET). OECD and REGIO experts will cover:

  • how to formulate “ambitions and expected long-term impact”
  • how to select an innovative participatory process and apply it in the context of ERDF, JTF and Cohesion Fund
  • how to manage cooperation between a public authority and a civil society organisation

If you are interested in joining, please follow this link.


For the second time, DG REGIO is offering technical support by experts from the OECD to managing authorities, intermediate bodies or beneficiaries. The aim is to help them work in cooperation with civil society organisations to implement the partnership principle in an innovative way.

They are invited to identify an investment area from the 2021-2027 programmes, and to select an innovative participatory process that you would be interested in applying in your specific context, such as:

  • open innovation
  • participatory budgeting
  • civic monitoring
  • use of emerging technologies for participation

Up to ten proposals, out of which at least one aiming at applying a participatory process at regional level and at least one in the context of a Territorial Just Transition Plan, will receive assistance by the Open Government unit of the OECD.

For further details, see the call for expression of interests.

The application should be sent to .

The deadline for applications is 30.04.2023.


Helping everyday public administrations to improve their skills:   Managing EU funds for cohesion policy can be challenging, and there are often needs for training and tools to make them work better and faster. The competence centre for “administrative capacity building” at DG REGIO offers tools, training, support and knowledge to help civil servants increase their skills in topics such as state aid, public procurement and road maps for administrative capacity building - and as wide as anti-corruption, anti-fraud and citizens’ participation.       Visit the following page to know more about our offer: Improving how funds are invested and managed