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EUTeens4Green: application period for project proposals has been extended

  • 28 October 2022
EUTeens4Green: application period for project proposals has been extended

Following the large interest to the initiative by young people, the deadline for submission of application has been postponed to offer more opportunities for participation.

The new deadline for application is 09 January 2023.

All information about the initiative are available at EUTeens4Green.

Young people can learn about the project and the application process in dedicated webinar every Wednesday and Saturday at 18.00 CET. 

Submit your application 


EUTeens4Green is one of REGIO flagship projects of the European Year of Youth. It offers the opportunity to young people to participate to decision making in EU cohesion policy. It focuses on the regions that will be most impacted by the transition to climate neutrality, because they are heavily dependent on fossil fuels or on carbon-intensive industries. Youth can help identify people that are at risk of exclusion as a result of the transition, to propose actions for involvement of these people in their territory and to choose topics close to them.

It addresses young people between 15 and 24 years old. They can apply as individual, group of individual or association.

The budget of the call is 700.000 euro and the maximum contribution per project is 10.000 euro. Maximum duration of project is 12 months.

The call is managed by a consortium composed of Startup Europe Regions Network (SERN), Youth and Environment Europe (YEE), and CEE Bankwatch Europe with the support of Generation Climate Europe.

Selection and start of young projects, around 70 projects, is expected  early 2023.