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Green Co-Vision - Slovenia

  • 26 January 2023

How to increase awareness of the benefits of cohesion policy across Slovenia, reaching a maximum number of people through various media? This was the challenge met by the “Green Co-Vision” project, managed by Radiotelevizija Slovenija (RTV SLO). The project aimed at educating the general public about cohesion policy’s positive impact on the environment, in a campaign running from October 2020 to September 2021.

The campaign took place on national TV and radio broadcasts, online and at events, with a particular focus on young people. A series of TV reports covered environmental projects such as a nature reserve, biodiversity, sustainable fishing, microplastics pollution, waste management, biodynamic farming, and cycling. There was also a series of five talkshows about cohesion policy’s impact on the Slovene-Italy cross-border area, and a series of shorter video reports included in regional TV broadcasts and published online.

There was also a youth-focussed online campaign featuring videos quizzes, and posts by “green ambassadors”, which received a lot of feedback. Over 400 ideas received by the campaign through events and social media were then fed back to government representatives in the hopes of helping to shape future environmental policy.

 The communication actions implemented as part of “Green Co-Vision” were very popular. The figures speak for themselves:

  • 10 x 8-minute reportages
  • 10 x 2-minute reportages
  • 5 x 30-minute talkshows
  • 2 209 000 overall audience/participant reach
  • 720 000 estimated total viewership
  • 631 000 estimated radio listeners
  • 158 000 Facebook followers

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