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Commission adopts decision to support Greece with EUR 25 million as an advance from the EU Solidarity Fund

  • 23 January 2024
Commission adopts decision to support Greece with EUR 25 million as an advance from the EU Solidarity Fund

Today the European Commission has approved an advancement payment of EUR 25 million from the EU Solidarity Fund to support Greece in addressing the extensive damages caused by the cyclone “Daniel” from 4 to 11 September 2023.

The cyclone was the deadliest Mediterranean tropical-like cyclone in recorded history. The disaster caused extensive flooding (mainly in the regions of Thessaly and Central Greece) with total casualties reaching 17 deaths.


Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms Elisa Ferreira said: “Last year’s floodings caused by the cyclone “Daniel” were a tragic event for Greece. People lost their lives and homes and important infrastructure was destroyed. With the advance payment of the EU Solidarity Fund, we are helping Greece to recover from the disaster and demonstrating that we are standing with Greece in full solidarity.“

 On 20 November 2023, the Commission received an application from Greece for EUSF assistance in relation to the damage caused. Greece estimated a total direct damage of €2.3billion and requested an advance payment.

 Based on the preliminary assessment, the Commission has concluded that the conditions for paying an advance from the EUSF are met. Therefore, the advance should amount to 25% of the anticipated contribution, which amounts to €25.3 million.

The Commission implementing decision on the advance payment was adopted today  and the payment will be made in the coming days. If the full assessment confirms the findings of the preliminary assessment, the final amount of the assistance will be determined based on budgetary availabilities.

The EUSF helps Member States and accession countries to relieve the financial burden caused by major natural disasters and health emergencies. Since its creation in 2002, the Fund has mobilised over €8.2 billion of financial assistance for 129 disasters (109 natural disasters and 20 health emergencies) in 24 Member States (plus the UK), and 3 accession countries (Albania, Montenegro, and Serbia).

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