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Don’t miss the conference on “Vibrant Cross-Border Labour Markets”!

  • 18 January 2023
Don’t miss the conference on “Vibrant Cross-Border Labour Markets”!

DG REGIO is hosting a two-day conference entitled “Vibrant Cross-Border Labour Markets” taking place on 18 and 19 January in the Commission’s Charlemagne building.

The conference will address different key topics related to cross-border employment such as the access to cross-border labour markets, education, the recognition of qualifications, social security aspects, taxation and teleworking.  

Around 440 participants have registered for this hybrid event, of which 250 are expected to be following on site. Among them are representatives from academia, cross-border projects, EURES, the European Commission, the European Parliament, employment agencies, national ministries of finance and social affairs, municipalities and regional administrations, NGOs as well as trade unions. 

The 32 speakers come from 14 European countries and have very different backgrounds. The list of speakers includes practical solutions providers such as EURES, cross-border advisory institutions, speakers from academia, legal professionals, a member of the Committee of the Regions and experts from a range of policy areas. Many of the speakers presenting cases in the breakout sessions have been previously involved with the b-solutions initiative.

The objective of the conference is to put the topic on the political agenda at all decision-making levels and to raise awareness of the potential but also the remaining obstacles confronting cross-border labour markets.

Last-minute participants have the possibility to register directly on site. 

More information and the detailed programme can be found on this website:

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