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Smart Regions: Project “Digital Herodotus II” transforms historical archives into digital treasures

  • 17 June 2024
Smart Regions: Project “Digital Herodotus II” transforms historical archives into digital treasures

Thanks to EU funds, a range of historical archives in Cyprus and the North Aegean region are being preserved.

 As part of the project “Digital Herodotus II”, the Cyprus Broadcasting Corporations have rescued over 10 000 broadcast and other files of unique historical value and digitised them into an open access database. The Digital Herodotus platform hosts 20% of the total archive of the national television station and also includes more than half a million pages from local newspapers. Almost 329 000 people have visited the platform since 2019. The project has received funding of more than €850,000 from the Interreg Greece-Cyprus programme.


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