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Call for expressions of interest to join C4T working groups

  • 17 April 2023
Call for expressions of interest to join C4T working groups

The Cohesion for Transitions (C4T) Community of Practice is a new initiative by the European Commission dedicated to stakeholders involved in the management of Cohesion Policy in the EU Member States and regions.

About C4T Working Groups

The C4T Community of Practice will address horizontal and specific challenges faced by Managing Authorities and other stakeholders in implementing sustainability transitions with Cohesion Policy, particularly under Policy Objective 2 (PO2) “A greener, low carbon transitioning towards a net zero carbon economy”. In this context, C4T will provide a platform to enable stakeholders to connect and work together in three Working Groups dedicated to specific topics linked to the European Green Deal:

  • Energy
  • Environment
  • Climate change

Stakeholders are welcome to express their interest in joining one or several C4T Working Groups by participating in this call for registrations.

Why join the C4T Working Groups? 

As a Working Group member, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Connect with peers from across the European Union and exchange about common challenges you face in the design and implementation of green investments.
  • Learn from the experiences, solutions and approaches of other Working Group members.
  • Further refine your approaches and solutions by sharing and discussing them with peers, which could be tested and further developed in light of new knowledge.
  • Share and showcase your good practices, gaining EU-wide visibility and promotion.
  • Make your voice heard on legal and policy bottlenecks that still hamper the realisation of green investments. You can influence policy design and make a difference by connecting with Member States and EU institutions in multilateral fora. 
  • Get access to dedicated technical assistance supporting your green investments.

Who can become a member of a C4T Working Group?

The main target membership for the Working Groups is Managing Authorities from EU Member States and regions, who are dealing with ERDF and Cohesion Fund and particularly PO2 “A greener, low carbon transitioning towards a net zero carbon economy” (according to the ERDF and CF Regulation). All Managing Authorities are encouraged to apply to ensure representation from transition and more developed regions/countries, as well as a strong presence from less-developed regions.

Intermediate bodies or other public authorities involved in the implementation of investments in sustainability under PO2 and members of monitoring committees (in accordance with the Common Provisions Regulation) are also welcome to apply in agreement with their Managing Authority of reference. 

Participating in a C4T Working Group

There are two modalities for participating in a Working Group:

  • Core members (30 per WG). As a core member, you will be expected to actively participate in Working Group meetings and activities, share your knowledge and best practices, for the lifespan of the Working Group. Core members will identify key issues, define and discuss good practices, and assess the transferability of the good practices. With the knowledge collected, core members will develop concrete steps and priority actions.
  • Observers: As an observer, your level of involvement would be limited. Based on your technical profile and experience, you may be invited to participate in some meetings of the Working Group and consulted on its ongoing work. You may contribute to the validation of good practices and stay informed about their progress.

Core members will have the opportunity to become a chair of a Working Group for a six-month period. The role of a chair is to support and co-lead the activities of the Working Group with the Facilitator by co-designing meeting agendas and encouraging participation by the members. Additionally, the chair would be the host of a Working Group meeting and have the chance to showcase a best practice from their region. You can express interest in acting as chair for your Working Group in the registration form.

The first meeting of the Working Groups was held in Brussels on the 7 June, back-to-back to the Cohesion for Transitions Conference that took place on June 6. The next meeting of the Working Groups will be on 22 November, and the next C4T event, the Cohesion for Transitions Forum, will be held on 21 November. The members who will be selected to join the Working Groups will be invited to attend both the meeting and the conference, so please save the date.

How to apply?

You can apply to join one or multiple C4T Working Groups by filling in and submitting the registration form (one per each Working Group your organisation would like to join) available on EUSurvey until 15 September 2023 at 18:00 CEST.

More information

For more information about the C4T Working Groups and the registration process, please refer to the guidance document on EUSurvey.

In case of questions, you can email