en English Transforming former Barracks into a Sustainable and multicultural Hub in the Heart of Brussels

  • 16 February 2024 Transforming former Barracks into a Sustainable and multicultural Hub in the Heart of Brussels

On February 15th, the project in Brussels has finally been inaugurated. The former National Gendarmerie Barracks in Brussels are undergoing a transformative redevelopment known as This ambitious project co-financed by the EU focuses on creating a sustainable and cohesive living environment.

At its core, aims to preserve the heritage of the former gendarmerie school building, while opening the site to the community of the surrounding neighbourhood through the removal of the former Barracks’ enclosure. The resulting square and its complex of historical building will host a research and innovation hub jointly managed by the Free university of Brussels in its Flemish (VUB) and French-speaking (ULB) chapters. The ambitious project aims at spearheading research on matters of sustainability, circular economy, and urban studies. This ambition is reflected in the realisation of the site itself, the construction of which uses local sustainable and recycled materials and will feature a geothermal heating system and solar panels. Talking the talk and walking the walk, once completed, will include a sustainable food court and affordable housing for visiting researchers. The goal of this initiative supported by the EU is to create areas open to residents and the broader community, promoting a pleasant environment. envisions not only a physical transformation but a reimagining of shared spaces. By redesigning public areas, the project aims to foster a sense of community and interaction, creating an inviting atmosphere open to residents and the broader community. This redesign aligns with the broader objective of promoting inclusivity and shared experiences. Speaking at the inaugural press conference, MEP Younous Omarjee, Chair of the REGI Committee at the European Parliament saluted the commitment of the project to social inclusion and its potential to inspire generations of students and researchers.

Theodora Flikas, from the European Commission’s DG Regio reminded the multifaceted nature of the She emphasised how the project will bring together academics from all over the world as well as researchers and the local community in a move that fully reflects the EU values. represents a collaborative effort with support from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). This co-funding initiative underscores the European Union's commitment to financing sustainable urban spaces, emphasizing principles of circular economy and energy efficiency. Specifically, the ERDF co-funding is directed towards the renovation of buildings designated for "university, shared, and collective facilities."


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