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EU and Asian cities kick-off their collaboration under the ICP-AGIR programme

  • 16 February 2022
EU and Asian cities kick-off their collaboration under the ICP-AGIR programme

On the 10th of February 2022, the cities of Singapore, Milan, Taichung, Prato, Taoyuan, Braga, Incheon, Berlin, Gwangju and Athens officially kicked off their collaboration to exchange knowledge and experience within the fields of circular economy, energy transition and air quality under the ICP-AGIR programme.

The online event gathered 45 participants who listened to the EU representatives, the Mayors and senior directors of the cities deliver welcoming speeches and offer city background to the collaboration. The project team presented insights to the timeline of the project, the setup of the networking and knowledge exchanges, as well as the expected outcome for the city co-operations. Breakout rooms then followed, where each paired cities had a chance to meet one another and discuss best practices and/or challenges identified by the cities.

Further details at:  Asian and EU cities kick-off their collaboration under the ICP-AGIR programme. | International City Partnerships (ICP)

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