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Opening of the Regional Centre of Competence in Tourism and Hospitality in Zabok, Croatia

  • 13 October 2023
Opening of the Regional Centre of Competence in Tourism and Hospitality in Zabok, Croatia

Today, the Regional Competence Center (RCC) in Tourism and Hospitality is opening its doors in Zabok. Zabok High School has successfully completed the project titled "Regional Competence Center in Tourism and Hospitality Zabok." Through this transformation into a Competence Center, Zabok High School has provided the conditions for adequate education and the acquisition of knowledge and skills expected from tourism professionals in the private sector.

The center is equipped with modernized and new classrooms, practice rooms, a training center, and shared spaces. Additionally, it features an academic-hospitality facility with accommodation units of various categories. This facility will provide the best practical training to the center's participants through operational segments in real-life situations. 

The goal is to create suitable conditions for top-notch education in such a facility, enabling learning based on work, offering a unique example of good practice, and showcasing green architecture and functionality in the economic sector in Croatia and the surrounding region. 

A modern center has been established to quickly respond to changing trends in the tourism and hospitality sector. There are plans for further training and education of existing teachers, engagement of specialized experts for working with students and adults, development and modernization of educational programs, establishment of lifelong learning through specialized program offerings, promotion of the profession, and strengthening of interest through creative and innovative work-based learning. In the long term, the RCC aims to become a national center for high-quality education and training in tourism and hospitality, as well as a center for development and innovation, fostering ideas and new trends in service quality. 

This project is implemented as part of the Operational Program "Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014-2020," Priority Axis 9 Education, Skills, and Lifelong Learning, Investment Priority 10a Investment in Education, Training, and Vocational Training to acquire skills and lifelong learning by developing infrastructure for education and training, SC 10a3 Increasing the relevance of vocational education by improving conditions for acquiring practical skills in targeted sectors of secondary vocational education to achieve higher employability of students in secondary vocational education. 

The value of this project is 9.5 million euros. It is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund in the amount of 3.98 million euros and the national co-financing fund in the amount of 1.33 million euros, with the remaining amount needed to complete the investment being 4.19 million euros.