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Travel across the four macro-regions by following the cultural routes of the Routes4U project !

  • 02 July 2020
Travel across the four macro-regions by following the cultural routes of the Routes4U project !

In these times, Europe’s tourism sector experiences a new demand for special and diverse short trips closer to home. A joint project of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe, and DG Regio, European Commission, proposes you different itineraries in your region to accommodate your wanderlust and to get to know Routes4U. Routes4U combines a selection of the Council of Europe’s 38 certified Cultural Routes and the four EU macro-regional strategies, su

In these times, Europe’s tourism sector experiences a new demand for special and diverse short trips closer to home.

A joint project of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe, and DG Regio, European Commission, proposes you different itineraries in your region to accommodate your wanderlust and to get to know Routes4U.

Routes4U combines a selection of the Council of Europe’s 38 certified Cultural Routes and the four EU macro-regional strategies, supported by the European Commission, giving tourists a chance to discover Europe’s diverse landscape of cultures, history, and gastronomy in the Adriatic and Ionian, the Alpine, the Baltic Sea and the Danube Regions.

In a new video launched today, Routes4U will take you on a breath-taking adventure on new cultural routes under development through the European continent and beyond, covering 31 countries: 19 EU member states and 12 non-EU countries. Enjoy a cultural journey – explore your macro-region!

With more than 15 years’ experience as a certified Cultural Route of the Council of Europe, the Routes of the Olive Tree gives visitors a taste of the life, traditions and history of the Mediterranean people, with world-famous festivals, exhibitions, music and product tasting events.

The project of the Iron Age Route around the Danube river basin uncovers ancient treasures in unspoilt nature, allowing visitors to discover the hidden archaeological heritage that spans this fascinating region.

The legacy of the Roman empire is still felt today in European culture, inspiring generations of artists, urbanists and architects. The theme of Roman Heritage gives visitors a chance to uncover lesser-known Roman sites across nine countries in the Adriatic and Ionian regions, while the Via Claudia Augusta takes tourists on a journey along trans-Alpine line of communication developed during the reign of Emperor Claudius.

A trip to the Byzantine era takes visitors through the countries of the Danube region along the Cyril and Methodius Route to follow in the footsteps of the two saints whose contribution to the growth of the common Christian roots of Europe included the creation of the Glagolitic alphabet and the translation of the Bible into the Slavic language.

The Maritime Heritage of the Baltic Sea offers the opportunity to explore submerged landscapes from the Stone Age, an abundance of shipwrecks from centuries of intense trade and conflict, as well as beautiful coastal landscapes that have shaped the cultural identity of the region.

Dedicated to modern architecture as a binding element of the Baltic Sea region, you will discover the emblematic 20th century design through the works of this seminal Finnish designer Alvar Aalto, who laid the groundwork for the humanised, user-friendly environments we take for granted today.

Finally, the Via Alpina and Mountain Heritage, a network of five hiking routes across the Alps, opens up the alpine experience to everyone through all seasons, in a journey through serene forests, rocky mountain ranges, and crystalline lakes.

Looking forward to welcome you along the routes,

Further information : Routes4U