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Urban Development Network

Urban Development Network: inspire, innovate and exchange

Twitter: @EU_REGIONAL #UDNCities

The Urban Development Network (UDN), which will take place in Brussels on the 9th October, in the context of Open Days 2014, will bring together approximately 250 city managers and urban stakeholders from across the 28 Member States.

The UDN is set out in the ERDF regulation for Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 and will involve those urban authorities throughout the EU implementing integrated urban strategies in line with ERDF Article 7 and those implementing innovative actions in line with ERDF Article 8.

However, as programming is not yet complete, this first event will be open to a much wider audience and will bring together participants representing European cities, city associations, local, regional and national representatives, Commission services, as well as experts and academics in the field of sustainable urban development and innovation.

This event will offer a perfect opportunity for European cities to be inspired, learn, share and exchange experiences concerning a wide spectrum of urban issues and innovative solutions. In particular, there will be a focus on:

  • Innovation in European cities; ecl-unordered-list__item
  • Integrated sustainable urban development and how to use European programmes and funds to support it;
  • Integrated territorial investments (ITI) and the bottom-up approach (CLLD);
  • The new URBACT programme.

The event will include panel sessions allowing cities to engage with urban experts, a networking lunch (exhibition of European urban networks, organizations and initiatives) and a series of interactive workshops.

Place: the EGG Conference Centre, Rue Bara 175, Brussels
Date: 9th October 2014

More Information: Conference Secretariat:

Urban Development Network