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Work to modernise the Bacău Municipality’s heating system enters Phase II

  • 15 October 2021

The rehabilitation of the Bacău Municipality’s district heating system will be continued and completed under the present project. This will ensure compliance with environmental protection standards on air pollutant emissions and increase the efficiency of urban heat supply. Phase I of the project was started under SOP Environment 2007-2013.

During Phase II, rehabilitation of the secondary thermal networks and related supervision activities will be continued. A total of 17.91 km of secondary thermal networks and 9 district heating substations will be refurbished and modernised.

Cleaner air

The purpose of the investment is to reduce heat losses in the district supply system from 35.8 % to 28.8 % by investing in secondary thermal networks. The increased energy efficiency of the network and use of modernised technology will reduce CO2 emissions by an estimated 111 300 tonnes/year and contribute to better air quality in the city.

Overall, the project will contribute to compliance with the environmental requirements set out in Romania’s Accession Treaty to the European Union.

Greater energy efficiency

The use of pre-insulated pipes will ensure that the heat supplied reaches the consumer within the required parameters. These pipes are equipped with a surveillance and damage monitoring system to ensure that faults are detected and repaired quickly.

The diameter of the pipes will be reduced to ensure the network is better adapted to the current level of heating demand, further reducing energy losses.

Greater efficiency will be ensured by directing heat to ‘thermal modules’, from where it will be distributed to a maximum of 150 consumers over much shorter distances, for example for a block of flats or a group of blocks of flats, compared to the distribution through district heating substations - DHS (PT), which ensures a distribution for at least 250 consumers and at much greater distances (at the level of a group of blocks of flats).

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “ Rehabilitation of the district heating system in Bacau Municipality in order to comply with environmental protection standards on air pollutant emissions and to increase efficiency in urban heat supply” is EUR 9 283 859, with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 6 622 205 through the “Large Infrastructure” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “Increased energy efficiency in centralised heating systems in selected cities”.