en English

Water treatment plant improves sanitation in western Slovenia

  • 03 June 2015

Construction of a new waste water treatment plant in Nova Gorica, western Slovenia, will improve the way wastewater is treated and bring health and sanitation benefits to the population. 

The Nova Gorica plant will have a capacity of 50 500 population equivalent (PE) and will feature tertiary treatment, effluent disinfection, and sludge drying. The facility will serve at least 95 % of the population in Kromberk, Miren, Vrtojba and Šempeter pri Gorici.

The scheme also involves the construction of an approximately 19 000 km-long sewage network, along with accompanying facilities in the municipalities of Nova Gorica, Šempeter–Vrtojba and Miren– Kostanjevica.

Improved water infrastructure

This initiative ensures that Slovenia complies with the terms of its accession to the European Union.

Following completion of the project in June 2015, the region will benefit from improved infrastructure for the discharge and treatment of urban wastewater.

The plant will also benefit the local economy, with the expected creation of 23 jobs during the implementation phase and a further dozen after completion.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project "Collection and Treatment of Waste Water in the Soča River Basin - Central Waste Water Treatment Plant Nova Gorica" is EUR 52 315 008, of which the EU’s Cohesion Fund is contributing EUR 29 877 230 from the Operational Programme "Development of Environment and Transport Infrastructure" for the 2007 to 2013 programming period. Work falls under the priority axis "Environment protection - water sector."