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Tools to create childcare jobs and improve employers' pro-family policies

  • 16 December 2015

A project in the Czech Republic's Liberec and South Moravian regions aimed to improve employers' pro-family policies and provide services to young parents attempting to return to the labour market.

Participation in the project gave me a much deeper insight into the connections between the possibilities of the existing education system, the individual needs of each child and possibilities for mothers of young children. I also came to understand the importance of an individual approach to each child and his or her perception of caring at an early age for the healthy future development of the child, both mentally and especially emotionally. Our nursery, which was created thanks to the project, has 21 children now, so we are growing!

Eliška Pavelková, graduate of the project training course and co-founder of the Majka Centre in Brno which offers courses for pregnant women, seminars for parents, a nursery and school

The regions covered by the project were characterised by high levels of unemployment, especially among women who had taken time out to have children, and low levels of childcare provision. In response, the project created a motivational childcare service programme for women at risk of exclusion from the job market.

Two motivational courses were organised in each region and some 80 women were able to gain experience in existing kindergartens. A total of 60 people were then offered places on childcare training courses. Two thirds of the participants subsequently found work as carers for young children.

The project opened four care facilities for 12-15 children each from one year of age to the beginning of schooling. In each facility, four part-time jobs were created for course participants, with regular meetings organised to provide support. A further six facilities were created by course graduates, who also employed their classmates.

Campaigns and round tables

Work was undertaken with public authority partners to prepare a campaign to improve pro-family policies and implement tools for ensuring equal opportunities and work-life balance. 11 round tables were held with employers, municipal representatives and experts in balancing family and work life, during which employers were made aware of the project's educational programme and pro-family measures.

Contests were organised in which firms received recognition for their pro-family policies. Representatives of winning firms accompanied carers on a study visit to Scotland.

The project created a photograph exhibition, which was taken around the two target regions, and a documentary film. A manual for employers and other interested parties on creation of childcare services was also compiled.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Developing tools for improving pro-family policies by employers in the Liberec Region and the South Moravian Region” is EUR 283 069, of which the EU’s European Social Fund is contributing EUR 240 609 for the 2007 to 2013 programming period.