en English

Supporting the ageing population by keeping them physically and socially active

  • 01 January 2007

In the socially deprived parts of the Portuguese cities of Porto and Gondomar the ‘Seniors in Motion’ programme has implemented a range of integrated activities to promote the social inclusion, health and wellbeing of the ageing population.

The main goal of the ‘Seniors in Motion’ programme was to give senior citizens living in deprived parts of the cities of Porto and Gondomar new opportunities for public participation through a series of integrated actions to encourage social integration and wellbeing.

The project’s target area included two neighbouring districts, Campanhã (city of Porto) and Rio Tinto (city of Gondomar). Located in the Porto Metropolitan Area, they are a perfect example of urban growth spreading outwards from the city core of Porto with a high concentration of social housing and a poor urban environment.

A high proportion of the population in these deprived areas is over 60 years old while the area also has a high level of unemployment (27 %). A large number of the elderly people, particularly those living in the area’s social housing, were isolated and segregated from the general population, restricted to their residential area whether at home or in a care institution for the elderly.

New approach with a proactive programme of dynamic activities

In collaboration with the seven local elderly care centres, the project developed a new approach involving a proactive programme of dynamic activities to care for the psychological and physical state of the ageing population by keeping them physically and socially active as long as possible.

The programme has supported a number of sport activities such as t'ai chi ch'uan, hydrogymnastics and boccia, suitably adapted to the age of the beneficiaries and aimed at preserving their mobility and creating a strong sense of community. It also introduced a recreational programme based on the performing arts (theatre and poetry) creating some 15 art workshops which resulted in public exhibitions.

A series of workshops on information and communications technology (ICT) were set also up for the senior population offering a basic skills programme on ICT through which 128 participants were certified. A further educational programme for senior citizens resulted in 15 unemployed people obtaining certification and subsequently employment with social institutions in the deprived area.

Close integration with other financial instruments

An ‘inclusive neighbourhoods’ action involved the organisation of cultural festivities in each deprived neighbourhood to promote inter-generational dialogue.

The ‘Seniors in Motion’ project directly involved some 1 300 senior citizens in its various actions and has led to long term structural change in the target area. These integrated activities have also achieved positive social impacts such as strengthening local communities and enhancing self esteem.

The success of the strategy was based on a strong partnership between the managing authority, municipalities, local associations and NGOs. It integrated closely with other financial instruments to maximise the impact. Each partner was involved in different ways, but most of them maintained their support even after the end of the project.

Total and EU funding

The project “Seniors in Motion - URBAN 2 Porto – Gondomar” has a total eligible budget of EUR 294 899 with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 206 429 for the 2007 to 2013 programming period.