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Speeding up the rail network between Catania and Siracusa to reduce bottlenecks

  • 29 December 2014

Improvements to the track, tunnels and safety systems on the Bicocca - Targia section of the Catania to Siracusa line are set to reduce transit times and increase passenger comfort.

A variety of improvements and upgrades on the Bicocca - Targia section of the railway, including 40 km of track refurbishment and 8 km of new track is expected to eliminate bottlenecks between the two key hubs on the Catania to Siracusa rail network. The works are expected to have a positive impact on the Helsink - Valletta TEN-T (Trans-European Transport Networks) corridor, facilitating connections between the two Sicilian cities. 60 new jobs are expected to be created as a direct result of these works.

Passenger comfort and safety

Improved passenger safety and comfort will be achieved in certain areas. Stations will be upgraded to allow better access for disabled passengers by fitting ramps, alongside general renovations to the stations' structure such as the fitting of canopies, walkways and underpasses. Modernised communication and safety systems will be fitted to improve traffic flow and to speed up the passage of freight trains.

Line comfort will improve by modifying curves in the track and with the repair and renovation of the Valsavoia tunnel between Bicocca and Lentini. Also 8 level crossings will be removed to further improve line speed and comfort.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project "Speeding up the line Catania – Siracusa: section Bicocca – Targia" is EUR 81 000 000. The EU’s European Regional Development Fund is contributing with EUR 55 233 900 from the Operational Programme “Networks and Mobility” for the 2007 to 2013 programming period, under the priority axis “Enhancement of Links between Local Systems and the Main Network”.