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Renovations carried out on Romania’s DN15 and DN15A national roads

  • 10 January 2017

Financing from the EU has enabled repairs and upgrades to be carried out on two sections of single carriageway road in Mureş and Bistriţa Năsăud counties in central and northern Romania. The sections total 71.5 km in length, of which 24.9 km is on national road DN15 between Tȃrgu Mureş and Reghin, and just under 46.6 km is on national road DN15A between Reghin and Sărăţel.

The project involves widening of the existing roads and strengthening of the road surfaces in order to enable them to support vehicles with heavier loads. It is estimated that the work will bring a range of benefits, including a 10 % reduction in the rate of accidents on these stretches of road.

Furthermore, the renovation should lead to a 5 % reduction in the costs of running and maintaining the vehicles, which use the two sections of the DN15 and the DN15A, while also increasing accessibility for transport.

Upgrades in line with Romanian standards

The design of the upgrades to the two sections of road has been carried out in accordance with the relevant Romanian national standards. Work on the DN15A also includes consolidation of the road structure.

The width of the roads varies between 7 metres and 10 metres, while the two running lanes along both sections of road are each 3.5 metres in width. Work under the project also includes the rebuilding of two bridges and the renovation of a further nine, as well as upgrades to 22 road junctions.

Benefits for local and international road users

The main beneficiaries will be local and international users of the road network in the region, the inhabitants of Mureş and Bistriţa Năsăud counties, local communities, local businesses and public services. The upgraded roads will be managed directly by CNADNR SA, the Romanian National Company for Motorways and National Roads, a publicly owned enterprise.

Mureş and Bistriţa Năsăud counties have a combined population of approximately 829 000. The fact that the two sections of road pass through these counties means that implementation of the project takes place in both the Centre and the North-West development regions of Romania.

Of the three municipalities connected by these sections of the DN15 and the DN15A, Tȃrgu Mureş is by far the largest. It is the seat of Mureş county and has around 134 000 inhabitants. The city is home to a citadel, a cultural palace and historic places of worship for various denominations.

Also situated in Mureş county is Reghin which lies to the north-east of Tȃrgu Mureş and has a population of some 33 000. To the north-west of Reghin and across the border in Bistriţa Năsăud county is the village of Sărăţel. Although it is home to just 535 people, it is noted for its salt mines. It lies 12 km south-west of the city of Bistrița, the seat of Bistriţa Năsăud county.

Total investment and EU funding 

Total investment for the project “Rehabilitation of DN15 Tȃrgu Mureş – Reghin, km78+800 – km103+700 şi DN15A Reghin – Sărăţel, km0+000 – km46+597” is EUR 61 324 190, with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 31 513 264 through the “Transport” Operational Programme for the 2007-2013 programming period.