en English

Reconstruction of key road brings quicker and safer travel

  • 23 December 2014

A major road renovation scheme between the Romanian cities of Deva and Oradea will lead to a safer and quicker route.

The investment is aimed at renovating 171.6 km of the DN76 national road between Deva and Oradea cities, which are located on the trans-European transport network (TEN-T) priority axis seven. The project is divided into six lots between the cities of Soimus and Oradea.

The infrastructure renovations will see a total of 44 bridges and 502 culverts overhauled, while 88 intersections will be created, as well as 13 curves realigned.

A safer and faster way of travelling to boost job creation

Once the renovation is complete, the road transit time between Deva and Oradea will decrease by 25 minutes, and the accident rate is expected to be reduced by 12 %.

Local and international users of the road network, public services, and local communities along the DN76, especially from Hunedoara, Arad and Bihor counties, with a population of approximately 1 381 000 inhabitants, are the most likely to benefit from this initiative.

In all, 24 jobs are to be created during the implementation of the project, and 500 are expected to be created upon completion.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Rehabilitation of National Road DN76 section Deva – Oradea” is EUR 207 245 394, of which the EU’s European Regional Development Fund is contributing EUR 140 877 099 from the Operational Programme “Transport” for the 2007 to 2013 programming period. Work falls under the priority axis “Modernisation and development of TEN-T priority axes aiming at a sustainable transport system integrated with EU transport networks”.