en English

“Ons Lieve Heer op Solder” museum sees major upgrade

  • 04 December 2014

One of Amsterdam's museums is set to double in size by connecting to a building located across the street. The extension not only ensures the preservation of this remarkable monument, but also contributes to the upgrading of the neighbourhood.

The works will ensure that the Museum Ons' Lieve Heer op Solder will have a healthy and sound future by balancing all the necessary needs. Firstly, museum guests will be offered more content and better visitor facilities. And secondly, there will be an optimal preservation of our museum as a monument.

Ms Judikje Kiers, Director

“Ons' Lieve Heer op Solder” (Our Lord in the Attic) is one of the oldest and most remarkable museums in Amsterdam. Behind the facade of this house by the canal lies a largely original 17th-century home and hidden church located in its attic. This church was built during the Reformation, when Catholics were forbidden to hold public services.

For future generations

With ERDF-funding, the museum, which currently accommodates some 90 000 visitors annually, is due to double in size. The current building will be connected to neighbouring premises, literally across the street, via an underground passage. This newer and larger museum means that the monument, including a church in the attic dating back to 1662, will be preserved for future generations to enjoy.

The extension to the other side of the “Heintje Hoekssteeg” will offer visitors more space and provide educational areas. It is also equipped with extra public amenities such as a café and a museum shop.

Grand opening in summer 2015

The municipality of Amsterdam sees the museum as an important part of the economic upgrading of the neighbourhood. The museum will remain open to the public throughout the reconstruction, with the grand opening scheduled to take place in summer 2015.

The museum is one of the key projects in the city's “Plan 1012” and one of the motors for transforming the surrounding area, the Red Light District. It is hoped that the work will attract new investors and visitors into the area, increasing overall revenues.

The extension is a design by architect Felix Claus and has created 5 permanent jobs.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Ons Lieve Heer op Solder” is EUR 9 777 125 of which the EU’s European Regional Development Fund is contributing EUR 3 368 643 from the Operational Programme West Netherlands for the 2007 to 2013 programming period.