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New natural gas compression station to boost energy supply

  • 31 December 2014

A new natural gas compression station in the Greek province of Central Macedonia that was completed in 2013 improves the country’s natural gas transportation and transition systems. In doing so, Greece’s energy security is further enhanced while enterprises and consumers benefit from increased supply.

The new 15.4 MW capacity compression station at Nea Messimvria increases natural gas pressure in the Central gas transmission pipeline. Given its strategic location in the Greek natural gas network, the station has a positive impact on all natural gas consumers in the country.

Specifically, the new compression station has several technical features which ensure that it delivers gas in an efficient and environmentally-friendly manner. Two 7.69 MW centrifugal compression units comprise the core of the station, while two wind turbines and two cooling units support the compression activities. Health and safety has been prioritised, with advanced security, firefighting, and control mechanisms put in place.

Wide-ranging benefits

By increasing the volume of gas that can be transmitted through the network, the new compression station is contributing to greater hydraulic stability and energy security.

Moreover, 400 jobs are estimated to be indirectly created in related sectors over the station’s lifetime.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Natural Gas Compression Station in Nea Messimvria” is EUR 71 665 866, of which the EU’s European Regional Development Fund is contributing EUR 17 404 873 from the Operational Programmes “Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship”, “Attica”, “Central Macedonia – Western Macedonia – Eastern Macedonia and Thrace” and “Thessalia – Sterea Ellada – Ipiros” for the 2007-2013 programming period.