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New motorway means a more connected Slovenia

  • 14 November 2016

The Motorway A4: Slivnica – Gruškovje: Draženci – International Border Crossing Gruškovje project is building 13 km of new motorway in Slovenia’s Vzhodna Slovenija region, resulting in reduced congestion, a cut in travel times and less pollution.

The project involves the construction of new motorway in Eastern Slovenia, running from Draženci to the international border crossing at Gruškovje. As part of the EU’s TEN-T network Baltic-Adriatic corridor investment, this section of motorway will help improve the connectivity between Slovenia, Croatia and Austria, as well as between Slovenia’s various urban centres. 

Building the Alpine-Adriatic corridor 

Slovenia is one of the most central countries in the Alpine-Adriatic region, situated where the Alpine world passes into the open Pannonian Plain on one side and opens up to the Adriatic Sea on the other. As such, it plays an essential role in terms of regional transportation. This project serves this purpose by upgrading an important section of Slovenia’s Alpine-Adriatic thoroughfare.  

The project includes the construction of 13 km of a completely new four-lane motorway, along with the reconstruction of 13.9 km of parallel regional road. Construction also includes numerous road deviations and the building of seven overpasses, three underpasses, two subways, nine highway bridges, 15 bridges on deviations, one tunnel, 28 retaining walls, three supporting walls and 67 culverts. To ensure the well-being of neighbouring residents, 8.4 km of noise protection arrangements are also included. 

The Slivnica-Draženci motorway section, part of the Podravje motorway branch, is designated A4 and is connected to the larger Slovenian motorway network at the Slivnica intersection. It is also connected to the “Phyrn” route, which passes through Slovenia from its border with Austria at Šentilj and continues via Pesnica and Slivnica to Gruškovje, at Slovenia’s border with Croatia. 

The project is being implemented in three stages. 

A more connected Slovenia 

The benefits of the new motorway are many. It will better connect this part of Slovenia with the rest of the country, provide easy access to neighbouring countries, improve safety and increase the road’s traffic capacity – thus reducing congestion. With congestion reduced, authorities plan to increase the road’s speed limit, which will improve both travel times (with an estimated average reduction of seven minutes) and environmental efficiency. Construction will also have a positive impact on the environment and quality of life for area residents, as transit traffic will no longer burden the many towns that surround the road, especially near Maribor and Ptuj. 

As transport is a strong driver of economic growth, according to project coordinators, the new motorway will have a positive impact on the surrounding area’s attractiveness for business and tourism, along with improving the quality of life for its citizens. By providing a better link from Slovenia to the EU-wide transport networks, the motorway is contributing to faster and safer mobility and a better connected Slovenia.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Motorway A4: Slivnica – Gruškovje: Draženci – International Border Crossing Gruškovje” is EUR 203 694 259, with the EU’s Cohesion Fund contributing             EUR 63 528 966 through the “Implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the “Jobs, Growth & Investment” priority.