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New infrastructure at Riga hospital to boost health care quality in Latvia

  • 13 April 2016

A new building with some 160 beds is being added to the Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital (PSCUH) in Riga as part of the country’s strategy to improve the quality of health care services in Latvia.

The new infrastructure aims to improve the quality of inpatient and outpatient health care services and treatment efficiency by ensuring that minimal time is spent on tests and facilities management. It is estimated that the new building will provide nearly 8 645 inpatients a year with faster and more efficient treatment.

PSCUH, which was founded in 1910, is a leading centre in its field of specialisation in Latvia and has well-developed medical, scientific and educational services. The hospital combines clinical research and treatment in all areas of contemporary medicine. It also cooperates in international scientific research around the world. 

Streamlined care

A better-equipped hospital with more streamlined facilities ensures that inpatients are less vulnerable to hospital-acquired infections, reducing the overall loss of life. 

Extending the premises to accommodate the new A1 building means the hospital will become more self-sufficient and have less recourse to rely on external services. 

It will lead to a more efficient flow of patients and reduced response time. Doctors will have more convenient access to their patients. It also reduces the length of stay of inpatients at the hospital and current risks related to the transport of patients between the hospital’s buildings. Another aim is to improve staff working conditions, including job security.

A two-stage process

The construction of the A1 building will be carried out in two stages. The first stage includes two underground floors and the ground floor, as well as connecting corridors with the existing buildings and a power unit (total area of 7 150 m²). The second stage includes the construction of six floors above the ground floor (total area of 23 288 m²).  In total, the new building will have an area of 30 438 m². 

The building will accommodate areas for radiology facilities, a clinic for outpatient services, general care departments (urology, otolaryngology, gastroenterology, rheumatology, endocrinology), a central laboratory, for taking blood and other biological material for laboratories, a donor centre, a radiology department, an endoscopy department, for providing day surgery services, for sterilisation, for cleaning beds, for equipment maintenance, a data centre, doctors’ offices and staff lockers.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Construction of New Hospital Building A1” is EUR 46 290 146, with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 24 076 323 through the “Infrastructure and Services” for the 2007-2013 programming period.