en English

New expressway offers quicker journeys

  • 01 September 2015

The construction of a 9.6 km section of the R2 expressway between the municipalities Ruskovce and Pravotice in western Slovakia promises to speed up journey times for motorist making local, national and international trips. The new road also acts as a bypass for the town of Bánovce nad Bebravou.

The R2 forms part of the future dual-carriage expressway which runs from Trenčín via Zvolen and on to Košice. The new road is also part of the E572 international European route traveling in a west-east direction.

Daily traffic volumes on the Ruskovce - Pravotice section of the R2 are expected to reach 8 250 vehicles per day in 2016. When using the new section of road, motorists can look forward to time savings of 56 % compared to their current journeys.

Major construction

This particular project provides for the building of a “half profile” expressway, which means it runs in only one direction. However, 500 metres of the new road is to be built in full profile. The construction programme also includes 13 bridges to span over roads, railways, rivers and brooks, along with 21 000 metres of fencing and 725 metres of retaining walls.

The National Highway Company is responsible for the administration and operation of this section of road and the collection of tolls. The company is fully owned and managed by the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “R2 Ruskovce - Pravotice” is EUR 96 151 355, of which the EU’s European Regional Development Fund is contributing EUR 60 438 338 from the Operational Programme “Transport” for the 2007 to 2013 programming period. Work falls under the priority “Road Infrastructure (expressways and first class roads)”.