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Neighbourhood revival in Palencia

  • 22 August 2011

The Urban Palencia project involved the urban, economic and social regeneration of the two neighbourhoods El Cristo and Ave María, as part of wider efforts to promote urban sustainable development in 43 cities under Spain’s Urbana initiative.

Projects such as this are helping the EU to become a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy by 2020, as set out in the EU 2020 growth strategy. The EU is facing some tough challenges, including an ageing population, an insufficiently qualified workforce, the need for greater innovation, striking a balance between economic growth and environmental degradation, and ensuring secure, clean energy supplies. Regional policy projects across the EU are playing an active role in dealing with these and many other challenges, by undertaking projects designed to generate employment, raise educational achievement, develop renewable energy sources, boost productivity and give all citizens access to opportunities. The projects and the regions play a pivotal role in this, as they generate real results that contribute to achieving the strategy’s key goals.

Ten thematic areas formed the basis of the work and included measures such as renovating historic buildings, creating bike lanes and installing new, environment-friendly public lighting.

Equal opportunities underpin efforts

The project is supporting social integration and equal opportunities by offering new programmes encouraging the involvement of young people in society and preventing absenteeism and school failure. Adult training programmes and support for disadvantaged communities are also available, alongside greater accessibility and mobility, including bike lanes and parking, as well as campaigns to raise awareness about the benefits and convenience of public transport and bicycles. In recognition of the project’s success so far, it was awarded the ‘Cristo de la Alegría’ prize by the Neighbours Association.

Nature on the comeback

The imposing Cristo del Otero hill area has seen reforestation undertaken and recreation zones built for locals, with similar work also improving the Barredo area. In view of the issues surrounding climate change and energy costs, the project has created an information point on the domestic use of renewable energies and energy savings and installed renewable energy-based systems in local public buildings. New public lighting has also been installed and uses solar energy sources.

Tapping into drivers of economic growth

The business side of local life is benefiting from actions, including the creation of a multi-purpose trade training centre, designed to boost employment and entrepreneurial activity, notably among SMEs and micro-enterprises, recognised as vital to local growth. A plan has also been developed to boost commercial activities, improve the competitiveness of local SMEs and support new business start-ups. With tourism also seen as important for economic growth, historical buildings and areas have been renovated, including the Victorio Macho museum and the Santo Toribio chapel.