en English

Light rail service offers smooth travel between Pisa’s main train station and airport

  • 14 August 2014

Local people, visitors and international tourists all look set to benefit from the construction of a light railway line – called the “People Mover” – which links Pisa’s train station with the Galileo Galilei airport. This innovative urban transport solution also provides park and ride facilities, which are designed to be used by all the city’s residents.

The project is for the development of an automatic, high-speed driverless rail link, complete with carriages, which uses a wired-rope system to move along its 1 800 metre length. Work includes the construction of three stops, one at the airport, one at the train station and another close to the park and ride areas.

Park and ride

Alteration works are carried out at both the airport and railway station to accommodate the People Mover stops. There are two park and ride sites being built as part of the scheme: the “western side” area is composed of two lots, with parking for 250 and 253 cars respectively; the “eastern side” lot has space for 895 cars. These facilities are accessible via local housing estates, which should encourage people to cut down on private transport usage.

To make the People Mover and the parking areas as accessible as possible, measures have been taken to develop two new roads and the upgrade two existing highways. The plans also call for the construction of three roundabouts and cycling paths along the new and upgraded roads.

It is estimated that 60 jobs will be created during the implementation of the project and 19 jobs created once it is operational.

The work comes under the Operational Programme for Tuscany. One of the programme’s key priorities is to improve the accessibility of environmentally-friendly transport services in the region. The main activities focus on upgrading infrastructure for rail links and inland waterways.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Light railway line (People Mover) between the Galileo Galilei airport and the Pisa main train station” is EUR 78 855 244, of which the EU’s European Regional Development Fund is contributing EUR 7 037 187 from the Operational Programme “Tuscany” for the 2007 to 2013 programming period under the priority "Access to transport and telecommunications".