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Improving water supply and wastewater treatment in Slavonski Brod

  • 07 January 2014

The water supply and wastewater systems in and around the city of Slavonski Brod in the south east of Croatia are being upgraded and extended. These works include the construction of a new wastewater treatment plant.

A three-year EU-funded project is currently being carried out to modernise the water and wastewater infrastructure to ensure that they meet European standards, bringing benefits to inhabitants and safeguarding the environment of the River Danube Basin.

Ensuring modern water and wastewater systems

The area's water supply system is 15 to 40 years old and has estimated water losses of up to 43 %. The project aims to upgrade the network and improve the security of water supply to existing customers. The system will be extended so that an additional 4 300 inhabitants can be connected.

At present no wastewater network exists in several towns and villages (Gornja Vrba, Klakar and Podcrkavlje) and wastewater discharged from the system in Slavonski Brod is released untreated into the Sava River, potentially causing environmental damage. The project is destined to modernise the wastewater system and building a wastewater treatment plant to allow wastewater to be effectively treated. It is also connecting a further 9 950 inhabitants to the discharge system.

Bringing benefits to all

The upgrading of the water and wastewater systems will boost the quality of life of an estimated 67 000 inhabitants and contributes to achieving the environmental standards in the River Danube Basin.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Water supply and sewerage system with wastewater treatment plant for Slavonski Brod” amounts to EUR 29. 652, 030, with a contribution from the Cohesion Fund of EUR 17.390,915. The project is funded within the priority “Protecting Croatia’s water resources through improved water supplies and integrated wastewater management systems” of the Operational Programme "Environment" in Croatia for the 2007-2013 programming period.