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Bulgarian research facility to lead advances in resource efficiency and energy savings

  • 21 September 2021

The Centre of Competence (Clean & Circle) is a modern research facility where applied science will be used to help Bulgaria become a circular society with a low environmental footprint. The aim is for research results to be commercialised into new products and services. The focus is on water and wastewater use and reuse, renewable energy and waste management.

“The Centre of Competence ‘Clean & Circle’ gives us the opportunity to develop a new generation of scientists, trained by highly-qualified professionals. The provision of cutting-edge scientific equipment allows young specialists to thrive and test their research. This enables us to respond quickly and effectively to current issues, e.g, caused by Covid-19, and provide solutions for people to access clean air, water and soil, and for decreasing or eliminating their ecological footprint.”

Prof. Yana Topalova, DSc, Project coordinator

The project is led by Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski. Scheduled for completion in November 2023, it includes an investment to build and equip the Centre of Competence, and to renovate existing laboratories. Two complexes with 11 laboratories and one accelerator for technological entrepreneurship and transfer, housing a further two laboratories will be built.

The expected results include appointing 26 researchers in entities supported by the project, employing 77 researchers in the new infrastructure, and supporting the work of 10 postgraduate students in mechatronics and clean technologies. The project also aims to undertake 65 collaborative research projects, develop 24 training programmes and acquire 17 intellectual property rights.

Research work is divided into three modules: water, solid waste, and transfer.

Cleaning polluted water

The water module is devoted to finding new ways to remove toxic pollutants and dyes from waste water produced by the textile, pesticide, and pharmaceutical industries.

Researchers are focused on improving the efficiency of water supply and sewerage systems and developing technology to collect and reuse rainwater in urban areas. Work is being done on replacing chemicals with algae in wastewater treatment to lower operational costs.

Sensors and biosensors are being developed to manage water treatment processes.

Taking harmful industrial waste out of circulation

The solid waste module is developing technology for biogas production, for separating packaging for recycling or energy production, and reusing construction and demolition waste.

Processes are being developed to use harmful industrial waste to make tiles. This will render the waste inert while producing a product with properties superior to traditional tiles and natural stone.

The centre’s transfer and commercialisation unit will determine the technological readiness level of the solutions proposed. It will focus on training, dissemination of results, technology transfer and entrepreneurship. Educational and training programmes will be developed for master’s, doctoral and post-doctoral programmes.

All work done in the centre will be integrated into an electronic cloud to ensure efficient exchange and use of information.

Partners in the project are six leading scientific organisations and universities in Bulgaria and one foundation.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Clean technologies for sustainable environment – waters, waste, energy for circular economy” is EUR 12 101 218, with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 10 286 035 through the “Science and Education for Smart Growth” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “Research and technological development”.