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Boosting business potential with a conference centre in southwest Poland

  • 25 January 2016

The construction of a conference and exhibition centre in southwest Poland with EU funds has helped strengthen the region’s economic attractiveness and encourage local entrepreneurship to flourish.

The overall objective of the construction of the Opole Exhibition and Congress Centre was to strengthen the business environment and to increase access to professional business services. This will enhance the competitiveness of enterprises in the Opolskie Voivodeship, providing better access to business support concepts such as business incubators, technology parks and business zones, contributing to the development of an innovative economy.

Dorota Ozimek, Project manager and specialist at the Department for European Matters and Development Planning, Municipality of Opole

The economic development of the historic city of Opole in southwest Poland has long been constrained by the fact that it has lacked modern business facilities with sufficient capacity.

This is why an ERDF-funded project was launched in 2011 to construct a convention and exhibition centre capable of establishing Opole and the surrounding region as a viable business destination.

Increased capacity for business

The newly established centre now has the capacity to hold trade fairs, with additional space and facilities for conferences, seminars, workshops and lectures.

Modern architectural concepts – such as moveable walls in the exhibition hall and the conference room - have been used in order to make full use of the space available. These mobile, soundproof walls allow the separation of three independent rooms.

This facility makes it possible for local enterprises to provide new services and to expand their range of activities. It has been estimated that 10 jobs have been directly created since implementation of the project.

Enabling culture to flourish

The establishment of the new centre is also good news for the region’s cultural heritage. Cultural events and concerts can now be held at the facility, and it is hoped that in a few years the centre will also be fully equipped to host sporting events.

The facility is also fully equipped to cater for people with disabilities, and there are cabins for simultaneous interpreting and remote control of the audiovisual system.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Regional Business Centre – Construction of the Opole Exhibition and Congress Centre” is EUR 8 800 000, of which the EU’s European Regional Development Fund is contributing EUR 2 800 000 the Operational Programme “Opolskie” for the 2007 to 2013 programming period.