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Biogas plant delivers renewable energy and inspiration in Poland

  • 19 October 2020

A group of farmers built their own biogas plant near the town of Łaźniki, in South-Western Poland. The facility provides low-cost energy to the area, is used to dispose of agricultural waste and helps educate farmers about the benefits of renewable energy.

“Launching the biogas plant has resulted in the creation of a new outlet for products from local agricultural producers.”

Jakub Kłak, OZE Agro Biogaz

The plant has helped improve the region’s sustainable energy mix. In 2020, it produced an estimated 8 000 MWh of electricity and it is the only producer of green energy in the area.

New roads and parking space for heavy vehicles were built, along with outbuildings for storage of agricultural produce. The useable share of the harvest is processed, while any waste can be used to power the plant. The main waste suppliers are local agricultural producers. The plant’s nearest agri-food company supplies beet pulp. This, along with maize silage, are currently the main sources of feedstock.

Educating farmers

A teaching room in the facility is used to hold workshops on renewable energy. Meetings have been held at the biogas plant with local farmers interested in supplying crop waste. Other municipalities and potential investors have visited the plant to learn about building agricultural biogas plants.

The gas is produced by fermenting various types of natural waste – crops, garden waste, organic waste from the food industry or animal excrement. It is then burned to generate electricity and heat. The residues left over from the fermentation process are used as a natural fertiliser on local farms.

Growing green energy

The plant has cooperated with the Wrocław University of Science and Technology to implement innovative technologies that can process agriculture waste more effectively.

The facility employs five people. The project generates business for local companies that provide transport, commercial and construction services.

 Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Construction of the Łaźniki biogas plant” is EUR 5 564 977 (PLN 24 036 252), with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 2 902 091 (PLN 12 534 712) through the Regional Operational Programme for Lower Silesia 2014-2020